P-110: Delilah
Owned by Livard
Image #1797
Uploaded: 1 year and 11 months ago
Last Edited: 1 year and 11 months ago
No additional notes given.
Name: Delilah
Gender: Male
Species: Bulbasaur x Totodile (Bulbadile)
Ability: Storm Drain - Chance to find a lootbox in a prompt, chance increases per evo stage
Tracker: Link
- Tackle - Free Move
- Name of Move - Link to Training
- Name of Move - Link to Training
- Name of Move - Link to Training
Pokdex Entry: Bulbadiles by nature are at odds with themselves, as they can be both nurturing and caring towards their trainers, as well as mischievous and bitey.
Personality: Delilah was a bulbasaur when Razyr first got him that enjoyed caring for various plants around the shop and tending to other pokemon. When the nera outbreak occurred he accidentally became fused with a totodile nera after a scuffle with Razyr's father's pokemon over a broken potted plant. Afterward, the caring and nurturing nature initially present remained, but now Delilah has random bursts of extreme mischief, and will often break his own pots and crafts, which result in a great deal of sadness when the outbursts wear off.
Pokdex Entry: Bulbadiles by nature are at odds with themselves, as they can be both nurturing and caring towards their trainers, as well as mischievous and bitey.
Personality: Delilah was a bulbasaur when Razyr first got him that enjoyed caring for various plants around the shop and tending to other pokemon. When the nera outbreak occurred he accidentally became fused with a totodile nera after a scuffle with Razyr's father's pokemon over a broken potted plant. Afterward, the caring and nurturing nature initially present remained, but now Delilah has random bursts of extreme mischief, and will often break his own pots and crafts, which result in a great deal of sadness when the outbursts wear off.