P-262: Link Curtis

Owned by ACottontail
Image #475
Owned by: (Trainer) (Mera Curtis)
Uploaded: 2 years and 7 months ago
Last Edited: 2 years and 7 months ago
No additional notes given.

Trainer: Mera Curtis
Name: Link Curtis
Gender: Male

Species:Fusion - Salandit/Cramorant
Ability: Hyper Cutter

- Tackle - Free Move
- Locked
- Locked
- Locked

Proof of Ownership: Mera's Starter

Link was originally captured when a trainer was looking for a female Salandit. They caught several male Salandit while looking for a female, and put them up for adoption. For 5 months, Link watched as he was constantly passed over for other pokemon. Link didn't understand why he was constantly passed over. Why did other pokemon get praise and pats when he was passed over? Link slowly internalized that he was unlovable, and gave up hope of getting the praise and pats other pokemon got.

One day Mera came to the shelter, and chose Link. To Link, this was amazing! His very own loving human! To Link, Mera was the perfect older sister! Mera would share her interests with him, pushing onto him her love of videogames. Though he would get salty in a lot of PVP games, Mera was so good and he could barely even hold the controller for half of them. But overall, they had fun. Mera also tried to teach him to talk using a phone's text to speech function, and she wondered why no one else thought of such a great idea. It turned out Link was a slow learner, and by the end of it he could slowly type out things that were barely sentences. Though Link thought it was pretty cool.

When the Nera first came and pokemon started fusing, Link was very excited. He had learned that he's not able to evolve, and he felt weak. He could fuse with a pokemon that could evolve, and finally evolve! Everyone would love him for it. He would be super useful, and make so many people happy! Except no one knew how it was happening. For days he ran outside waving his arms, learned how to spell evolve after failed attempts and text to speached it at everyone he came across. He even started licking things hoping he would fuse with a pokemon that could evolve. And one day the blessing of the Nera reached him, giving him his unevolving Cramorant half. Link's disappointment was immeasurable and his day was ruined. To this day Link still looks down on himself for being unable to evolve, and fills the void by overleveling in videogames.

When the nothing came his home, and everything but a box of belongings were swept up in the waves. This devastated Link. Link was sad and hurting, and he knew other people were sad and hurting also. He felt the need to help someone. So he ran around, spamming "How Link Help" on his phone until someone told him what to do. After about a week, he ran into a volunteer group, which he regularly goes to so he can be told how to help. Link tried to convince Mera to join him, she didn't have the energy after losing everything. It took her years until she couldn't stand to do nothing anymore to join him.

He wants to be loved and appreciated, and will go to lengths to please people - has low self esteem that he buries by overleveling in games - Helpful - friendly - rather goofy, and loves getting laughs out of people - often over estimates his own abilities - gets very frustrated and angry when he feels weak and powerless.

Misc facts:
*Loves games where he feels OP. RPGs are his favorite, and he loves the feeling of obliterating weaker foes.
*He mainly plays phone games that don't require a lot of dexterity. L and R buttons on controllers are the bane of his existence. He often gets ragey in games where he can't keep up due to not being able to hold the controller properly.
*He has a text to speech app on his phone that he uses to speak somewhat. He usually uses it when what he's trying to say can't easily be understood by him pointing. Link does not have a grasp on grammar, and will often string together words that mean more or less what he's trying to say. He's at the mercy of auto correct for longer words. He also sometimes sticks with one word for multiple if he thinks it's close enough to what he's trying to say, like how he uses the word food to mean hungry. He can also read and mostly get the gist of what's being said, although slowly. He prefers hearing things text to speech if possible.
*Link dabbles in some pixelart. He thought it was really cool in games, so he tried to make his own, to okay results. Mera helped him set up a request thread in a forum. He loves seeing people happy after he completes their request.
*Has a distaste towards pokemon that are considered popular, especially the fluffy kinds. Can barely stand Eevees and it's evolutions due to how many he saw get adopted as a kid.
*Not being able to evolve is a sore subject for Link.
*Loves making Crabmorant seagull like noises. He thinks it's fun.
*Too heavy to fly, not all that great a swimming either. While he can hold his breath for a long time his swimming skills are that of a human doing the doggie paddle.

22 June 2022, 21:09:46 CDT