P-297: Poe's Links

Relationship Status: Friends
Nice girl is very huggable. Note: Try not to eat.
Mera enjoys Poe's company. She loves how affectionate she is.

Relationship Status: ???
Lizzard's become more accepting of Poe's hugs, he still seems quite salty about it though.
Link is on edge around Poe. He once saw Poe as an enemy, but has seen Poe's sweet side. Isn't quite sure what to think anymore. (Also totally isn't jealous of the attention Mera gives Poe)

Relationship Status: Enemy
Mean girl rejects hugs. Avoid.
Way too touchy feely. Really wishes Poe would just go away.

Relationship Status: ???

Relationship Status: ???

Relationship Status: ???

Relationship Status: Friends
Accepts hugs, but is a bit rough while doing so. Poe does not like being used as a springboard.

Relationship Status: Friends
Very nice and happy to be hugged. Will even start the hug with Poe!

Relationship Status: Friends
Very nice and huggable. Will happily be hugged for hours on end!