P-536: Tiamat

Owned by Faust

Total Earned EXP: 30

Stage 1 EXP: 11

  1. Belonging Piece | +2
  2. Pass The Time Piece | +2
  3. Move Learning | +2
  4. APP | +2 EXP
  5. Stealing Sammiches | +2
  6. Sketch Dump | +1

    Stage 2 EXP:  16
    1. Fighting Fires | +3
    2. Pokecenter Help 2 | +3
    3. Helping Pokemon | +3
    4. Battling Litwick Fusions | +3
    5. Monster In The House | +2
    6. Pass The Time | +2

    Total Used EXP: -10

    1. https://www.reignsrest.com/gallery/view/703 | -10
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