T-005: Silas

Owned by SpookyBara
Image #13
Partner Pkmn (Trainer) (Dipper (Joltik/Trapinch))
Uploaded: 2 years and 11 months ago
Last Edited: 2 years and 10 months ago
No additional notes given.

Name: Silas
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Height: 6'2

Rank: Untrained

Residence: Grovehart
Exploration: B - G - R - W - S

Partner Pokemon: Dipper (Joltik/Trapinch)


While not born in Grovehart, it was where he seemed to end up before everything went down, often moving from place to place looking for a permanent place to stay and find a job or a purpose. It wasn’t like he didn’t have anywhere to go or a  family to return to, he seemingly has family everywhere! His moms just really seem to dig having and adopting more kids than Silas can keep track of- which is fine but Wintervale is cold and prefers a bit more quiet than the family home allows.

Despite finding a place to stay, Silas has been through so many jobs, temp agencies and personal ads, you’d think his resume was a novel. One day he’s a pokemon walker, the next he’s serving you coffee… His mom would probably blame his lack of career on his arts degree but at this point, he’s not going to argue. Silas is  just happy to make rent, relax with his lil man (pokemon) and not have to deal with whatever fog bs seems to be creepin’ at his window every night.

All this said, the less people know about Silas, the better (at least in his books). He’s not one to talk too much about his own life, aspirations or problems. If he’s at work, he most likely doesn’t wanna hear about yours either.

13 February 2022, 23:31:05 CST