T-013: Cheol Kim

Owned by prin
Image #21
Uploaded: 3 years and 2 weeks ago
Last Edited: 3 years and 3 days ago
No additional notes given.

Name: Cheol Kim 철김
Gender: Male
Age: 27

Height: 6'1
System: Stable
  • Infused: Shiny Dragapult
  • Perm fuse: N/A
  • Additional: N/A
Rank: Untrained
Residence: Rivertide
Exploration: B - G - R- W
Tracker: TBA
Partner Pokemon: Seok, App TBA
+ Adaptable, Dependable, Hardworking, Perceptive, Tidy
- Cynical, Difficult, Hostile, Inconsiderant, Rude

Born in Brookfell but raised in Rivertide, Cheol has seen many sides to the coin. When things began to go downhill and the city of Brookfell seemed to worsen in terms of crime, his family moved out to Rivertide where it was a lot more social and figured it would be a better environment to raise their son. Cheol was unfortunately subjected to bullying in school for being rather tall for his grade, even more so given his ethnicity. He kept a lot of it bottled up and internalized and didn't express to his parents what had been happening. This is where his cynical attitude began to develop and he started caring less and less for other people.

His life changed when he was 18, however, when he was freshly scouted by a modeling agency through his Pokegram photos and such began his career as a supermodel. As he traveled around for photoshoots, Cheol came into contact with the DNA of a shiny Dragapult, to which is displayed on is body through his hands, tail, eye markings, and markings on his chest above his core as infused Nera. During his time traveling around the country, he met with Seok, a little Scorbunny/Noibat fusion and fell in love with the small Pokemon. He'd never had a companion Pokemon before, so he happily welcomed the little guy into his arms. He rarely keeps the Noibunny in his ball and lets him travel alongside him. While Cheol doesnt like other people much due to his upbringing and therefore is quite cold and rude to others, he's never been one to show aggression toward Pokemon. Maybe under his bastard-like exterior, there's a really sweet guy underneath.

When Cheol is working, he is very diligent and reliable, having a completely different air about him than his usual gremlin-like attitude. He's very hardworking, but the moment he's finished with his job, the suppressors come off and he changes his appearance, roaming freely incognito away from his fans. He's quite popular, especially among the younger female audience, but despite being in a career where he is in the spotlight, it's actually his least favourite thing to be in. If you meet him, he always introduces himself as Kim, so you don't figure out his true identity.


-Likes Milk
-Can cook fairly well
-Has a prosthetic somewhere from an accident when he was in his early 20s
-Has a rather nice figure but wears baggy techwear to cover it up
-Somehow hasn't died yet from wearing all those layers in Rivertide

Designer: itsprinny - Artwork by: itsprinny
14 February 2022, 00:04:32 CST