T-015: Selene

Image #2444
Uploaded: 1 year and 5 months ago
Last Edited: 1 year and 5 months ago
No additional notes given.

Name: Selene
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Age: 32 years 

Height: 5'5" (5'8" with heels)
System: Stable
  • Infused: N/A
  • Perm fuse: N/A
  • Additional: N/A


Rank: Untrained

Residence: Wintervale
Exploration: x - x - x
Tracker: TBA

Partner Pokemon: Chip (Sinistea/Litwick)

Selene grew up with a hardworking and quite mother and father. The three of them were almost always out doing some form of work. It being hard physical labor from her dads various handman jobs, and his side gig as a woodcarver, or her mothers small restruant, in which Selene helped in the cooking, baking, cleaning, and serving of the family resturant. Selene rarely had any time for play, which she was never too worried about, she at the time was quite fearful of pokemon, and didn't find having friends all too appealing, and would much rather curl up with a book and read after the days work has been done. 

During her teen years, she had started to further develop her own interests, instead of reading during her free time, she started to branch out and experiment with cooking. Not only with that, she started to develop an instrest in making and brewing her own teas, and even later other hot drinks. Her parents only encouraged this new venture by allowing her to sell her tea mixes, hot drinks, and cooking at her parents stall during the celebration of the Frost and the Equinox.

Selene's goods were a hit, and when she was freshly an adult, she took hold of an old shop. It was decently sized, and simply needed some renovations to make it livable. She and her dad took care of that work, and even made the attic space of the building her own living area, which fit her just fine. Since her early adulthood, she has stayed in the same shop, selling her drinks, mixes, and food, content with what she was doing. During her time living in her shop, numerous ghosts had made the building their home as well, which Selene grew used to. However, there was one ghost type that she was more fond of than the rest, and that was little Chip, a strange Sinistea Litwick pokemon, that seemed to love being around her, and even seems to want to help out! Even though the pokemon really can't, Selene can't help but be humored with the pokemons attempts.

Designer: catastrophe-witch  - Artwork by: catastrophe-witch 

14 February 2022, 00:09:15 CST