
Owned by tiredjane@dA
Image #29
Uploaded: 3 years and 2 weeks ago
Last Edited: 3 years and 1 day ago
No additional notes given.

Name: Valencia Ethos
Gender: Female
Age: 28 years

Height: 6’ 03”
System: Stable
  • Infused: #052 Alolan Meowth
  • Perm fuse:
  • Additional: N/A
Rank: Untrained

Residence: Rivertide
Exploration: B - G  - W
Tracker: Link

Partner Pokemon: Socks (Magikarp || Feebas)



  • Brave || Patient || Savvy

      =   Sarcastic || Naughty || Lazy

  • Aggressive || Manipulative || Wayward


Growing up in the ever lively Rivertide Valencia had a happy, modest childhood. Her mother was constantly working leaving  the little kitty primarily  in the mischievous care of her older siblings and father. She wasn’t a bad kid, no,  just not the best behaved child. Often spurred on by her older siblings and occasionally even her father to commit all kinds of mischief and mayhem. As she got old enough to better grasp the world around her she gained a keen love of fighting, then later again pokemon battles. Mimicking trainers in the street, people on TV and even her own siblings messing around with her until her dad eventually gave in to her begging and started training her in boxing. A bonding activity and way to stop her breaking lamps.

By the time she was old enough to become a trainer she had begun begging both her parents to let her go be one.  The answer of course. no. The pair believed she should at least finish her education first. The process. Was. Painful. Valencia was definitely  intelligent and sharp as tack but never applied herself to classes and seemed to absolutely hate schooling with a burning passion. Instead her head was often with the ocean or distracted by battling. Skipping lessons to go play in the water, train outside when she was assigned to and even just napping the day away. Around the middle of high school Valencia learnt the truth of her family's financial situation - her mother was disgustingly rich and a tycoon of the jewellery industry. Thinking back despite the family seeming to live on a middle class income and rarely spoiling their children growing up, Valencia had received a couple of questionable gifts that seemed far outside what they should have been able to afford. Unfortunately she was too young at this point to really figure out any connections to her mothers job. Now it all made sense…..and she was miffed! Playfully demanding her mother give her a gift to make up for lying all these years, ironically her mother agreed. IF she completed a degree in college. In return she’d buy her a single item at all for any price. With the stakes set Valencia also agreed, planning to get a sweet sweet house boat with that guilt money.

Somehow Valencia successfully snagged a bachelors in law and even went as far as to complete her PLT’s so her parents couldn’t say anything about her next move. Cashing in her prize and immediately abandoned that career path to go part time as a lifesaver while she pursued her real passion. Battling and fighting were in her blood and she loved every minute of it. Though her dad couldn’t train her anymore with his own health issues catching up she still found further training elsewhere in the city with his help. Completing her qualifications before eventually being recruited by a Dojo in Rivertide. Today that’s where she remains, living a modest little life as she always has and doing what she loves most.


  • Valencia has a nice, shiny law degree and a deep understanding of the law’s the region abides by. Alas the degree is gathering dust in her parents place somewhere.

  • Thanks to her deeper voice, tall size and masculine appearance she’s constantly mistaken as a male. She no longer bothers correcting this mistake. Sometimes the assumption comes in handier than her feminine wiles. 

  • Though primarily excelling as a pokemon trainer her father and his friends were competitive boxers in their youth. On top of further training from the dojo boss in more street worthy combat styles she is definitely a force to be reckoned with in both pokemon battles and unarmed combat nowadays.

  • Her nickname “Mudcat” was affectionately given to her by her older siblings. Thanks to both her Infused Nera and deep love of playing in mud.

  • Absolutely adores water, mud and anything to do with the beach. She’s an absolute water baby. Strong Water Pokemon are her life.

Designer: @TiredJane - Artwork by: @TiredJane

14 February 2022, 00:22:26 CST