Ethos Badge

Profile T-028: Bandit

Owned by Noura
Image #40
Ethos (Grunt)
Uploaded: 3 years and 2 weeks ago
Last Edited: 3 years and 1 day ago
No additional notes given.
Name: "Bandit". (Real Name Unknown)
Gender: Agender (Any Pronoun)
Age: 29
Height: 6'4'' (195cm)
  • Infused: Galarian Zigzagoon
  • Perm fuse:
  • Additional: 
Rank: Adept

Residence: Wintervale
Exploration: B - G - R 


Partner PokemonYardstick (Yamper x Carvanha)

Argumentative | "Fight Me." | Loud | Extroverted | No Chill | Attention Seeker | Lonely | Abandonment Issues | Witty

[Redacted] always wished to become part of the police force when they were younger, but no matter how desperately they tried, they failed every test. This made them incredibly bitter and jaded towards any and all authority figures - not due to having any valuable opinions on the matter, but simply out of spite

So, their life took a slightly different path. They left family behind to strike out on their own as soon as they were old enough to justify it, and they became what they proudly call a 'Bounty Catcher'. 

They enjoy the thrill of going off into dangerous territory, all for the sake of getting their hands on rare pokemon. Pokemon which are then promptly sold to the highest bidder. They enjoy the act of catching pokemon, and they enjoy money, but they don't enjoy having a large team to care for themselves. This is their solution to the problem. 

For the longest time, their one and only partner was an old, grumpy Typhlosion. A pokemon that had been in the family for as long as they can remember, and was given to them on their eighteenth birthday when they decided to leave home. Unfortunately, said Typhlosion recently passed away due to old age. 

Bandit's baby sister gifted them Yardstick soon after to help them get over the grief of losing a lifelong friend, and now they are stuck with the damn yapping dog. They're gonna make a worthy 'mon outta them sooner rather than later. 

 - Uses they/he interchangably, and wouldn't mind she/her. I stuck with they for the application to keep things consistent. Use whichever you prefer!
 - 'Bandit' is a dumb name they chose for themselves in their early teens, and it's stuck with them ever since.
 - They like to pretend that they are cool and aloof, and that nothing fazes them ever.. only to go scream at the ocean in frustration the second they are alone. Figuratively. 
 - They love their big, bushy and incredibly scraggy tail. Touch it and get barked at. 
 - They are an incredible singer, though their taste in music leaves something to be desired. 
 - They are the number one fan of the band PAYDAY. The Meowth icon in the application is the band's logo. The Meowth depicted is the band's mascot, and she's called Scarab.
 - They like riling people up for the sake of it and they will often play the Devil's Advocate just to spark an argument. 
  - If you can put up with their ass, you've got yourself the loudest, most devoted and loyal dog in existence. 
 - Bandit has no filter, and they communicate almost entirely through snark and sarcasm. If they believe you're being dumb, they'll tell you to your face without sugarcoating it in the slightest. 
 - Believes 'Love' is just a fancy word for [Redacted].
 - Dislikes the rich and the famous, but will suck up to them real hard for a piece of their pie. Very jealous. Very petty. 
 - Bandit may be tall, but they are exceptionally scrawny under that coat and they are usually hunched over, giving them the vibe of a much smaller person.  
 - Has a Vlog channel where they post videos about their hunts. It's not particularly popular. 

14 February 2022, 21:10:21 CST