T-036: Mylar Reks's Links

Relationship Status: Significant Others

Relationship Status: Pokemon Partner
Mylar first encountered Pixel in the hospital, as a Joltik. After a symbiotic relationship ensued, he captured the little bug before leaving.

Relationship Status: ???
After purchasing secondhand computer equipment, Mylar discovered Voxel hidden inside the code.

Relationship Status: ???
Kit was rescued from an underground pokemon black market ring in Brookfell.

Relationship Status: ???
Cookie was rescued from an underground pokemon black market ring in Brookfell.

Relationship Status: Partners in Crime
Sassy was given to Mylar by his friend, Atreus, and the two quickly became partners in crime.

Relationship Status: ???
Smish was rescued from an underground black market ring in Brookfell

Relationship Status: ???
Mylar found Battery in the streets of Brookfell, and the pokemon was too lazy to resist capture.

Relationship Status: Owned Pokemon
Mylar lured Byte into his care by feeding him snacks behind the bar he worked at for a few weeks.

Relationship Status: Owned Pokemon
Vyrus was lured into Mylar's care over a long period of time and trust building.

Relationship Status: Owned Pokemon
After being captured by Cynic, Mylar bonded with Alt who was also being used by the organization in experiments.

Relationship Status: Owned Pokemon
Given as an engagement gift by a dear friend, Kerberos is Mylar's pokemon double.

Relationship Status: Owned Pokemon