Ethos Badge

T-044: Alani

Owned by iiJellyDog
Image #56
Ethos (Grunt)
Uploaded: 3 years and 2 weeks ago
Last Edited: 3 years and 1 day ago
No additional notes given.

Name: Alani
Gender: Female
Age: 21

Height: 4'1"
  • Infused:
  • Perm fuse:
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Rank: Untrained

Residence: Grovehart
Exploration: B - G - R - W

Partner Pokemon: Small Fry (Rockruff/Joltik)

History: As told by Alani:
"Ah was born an' raised on this here land, though Ah never knew mah parents.  Ah was raised bah mah grandparents, bless their heart.  Ah'v only been off this land one other time, an' that was from ahn accident.  That's wha Ah have this metal arm.  Then just one day, I woke up, an' all mah livestock were somethin' else!  Ah'v never seen anything like it before!  Even Small Fry here gone an' made himself somethin' else!  Is this interview-thang ovah?  Ah really gotta go track down those dang sheep that got out again."

Alani grew up on her family's ranch on the outskirts of Grovehart, like many of the other ranches there.  She was raised by her grandparents, who were against the augmentation system, and barely even kept a holo pad in the house for the sake of "phone calls to relatives."  Because her grandparents were stuck in their ways, Alani had never actually left the farmland outside of Grovehart, with the exception of the time her arm was completely broken as a child from an angry bouffalant crushing it down. 

Alani did grow up to maintain the same mentality as her grandparents, not wanting to leave the land, though slowly over time she began to get curious about the augmentation systems all her neighbors had.  Because of literally being off the grid, Alani honestly had no idea what had happened following the events of the incident, and woke up surprised to see all the pokemon on her land all of a sudden were not just pedigree mareep, wooloo, etc.  She eventually grew accustomed to it and learned how to best suit everyone's needs.  One morning Alani woke up and found 5 mareep fusions and 5 wooloo fusions missing.  Cursing under her breath, she grabbed the "family phone," her partner Small Fry, and began to track them down.

15 February 2022, 19:35:56 CST