T-052: Razyr Costa
Owned by Livard
Image #2275
Uploaded: 1 year and 8 months ago
Last Edited: 1 year and 8 months ago
No additional notes given.
Name: Razyr Costa
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Height: 6'
- Infused: Dragalge
- Perm fuse:
- Additional:
Rank: Untrained
Residence: Rivertide
Exploration: B - G - R - W - S
Tracker: Link
Partner Pokemon: Delilah (Bulbasaur/Totodile)
Razyr was born and raised in Rivertide to a generational family of pokeball makers. He grew up learning the craft and techniques necessary to craft every type of ball available and excelled at his lessons and tasks set before him. He approached like with a whimsical and carefree attitude, which didn't bother his parents much as they were very much the same. When the time came for him to inherit the business so his parents could retire to gods knows where he did so without complaint, it has always been drilled into him from an early age that he would do his duty and carry on in the family name. He continues to run the shop and pursue the craft to this day, but he doesn't take it...quite as seriously not that his parents aren't breathing down his neck. He likes to indulge in frivolities, shirk his duties and keep the shop closed at random times, and disappear for reasons unknown at complete random. He lives his life however he pleases, and very little phases him.
When the Nera outbreak occurred he approached it with a "this will never happen to me" attitude, which rather rapidly bit him in the ass. Now one of the humans that call themselves 'infused', he experiences unique challenges that disturb his otherwise lackadaisical lifestyle. His partner pokemon likewise experienced a fusion of his own, though both seem unbothered by it on the surface. Razyr for all intents and purposes continues to remain his overly showy, in-your-face self, and it seems even a natural disaster in the making is hard-pressed to change that.