
Owned by lovebobu
Image #66
Uploaded: 2 years and 4 months ago
Last Edited: 2 years and 4 months ago
No additional notes given.

Name: "Strawberry Daiquiri" (Real name: Barry Isola)
Common nickname: 
Birthday: June 1st
Gender: Cis Male (He/They)

  • Infused:
  • Perm fuse:
  • Additional: 

Rank: Untrained
 B - G - R - W - S
 Part-time Pokemon sitter/breeder, part-time criminal, Virtual Network influencer

Partner Pokemon:
 Nox (Togepi/Zorua)


Positive: Friendly || Charismatic || Passionate || Caring || Playful

Neutral: Extroverted || Adventurous || Outspoken || Naïve 

Negative: Manipulative* || Narcissistic || Attention-Seeking || Jealous || Impulsive


If you ask Berry, he’d say that his childhood wasn’t anything special. He was born in Rivertide, grew up with two hardworking and successful parents, a highly educated older brother (that acted more like a third parent than a sibling) and a very talented younger sister. Unlike his siblings, young Barry didn’t feel too special compared to the rest of his family. His performance in school was average at best, nor did he seem to be too good at anything. Feeling like a disappointment, he tried hard to be just as valuable as his siblings, but to no avail. He was often ignored, only being noticed when told to do chores or to be compared to his siblings. Desperate for positive attention, Barry cried wolf by pretending to be injured many times. Fortunately for him, he got the love he’s been craving, but unfortunately his family picked up on his schemes and eventually stopped believing his cries. This only caused Barry to get into more antics, and behave recklessly and rebelliously with school friends, all for any sort of attention. However, this only made him even more of a disappointment to his family.

Although Barry didn’t do too well in school, he always wanted to be a researcher like his older brother. Being highly curious, he often conducted his own research for fun but knew that he’d have to improve academically if he wanted to pursue the profession for real. After giving his parents a passionate speech on his future goals, they decided to transfer him to a high school in Grovehart, just so that he’s closest to where most research takes place. There, he got to live with his aunt, who owns a Pokemon Daycare. Unfortunately for him, his efforts in high school didn’t go as planned. The studies were tough for him, and although he tried his hardest, Barry’s grades slipped further than they already were. After school, he spent time taking pictures and editing videos, which eventually became a job in his adulthood. Although he doesn’t need to live in Grovehart anymore, he stayed around to keep helping at his aunt’s Pokemon Daycare.

Since Barry was in high school, he's been working part-time at his aunt’s business where he mostly pet-sits but sometimes breeds pokemon too. Even though he likes pokemon, he can't see himself working there full time. In all actuality, he only continues to work there for content. At the Pokemon Daycare (and mostly when he's not working), he's often recording videos/taking photos of himself, Nox and other pokemon for his thousands of followers on the Virtual Network (VN). Cute pictures and videos gain him lots of attention, and his media influence helped his aunt’s Pokemon Daycare get traction as well.

When he's not at work though, he tends to go to hot spots, meet up with other influencers, or travel about to record interesting/cute pokemon. One thing that his followers are unaware of (hopefully) is his criminal activity. Only about a year ago, he got caught up with a group of people he didn't initially think were criminals. A VN celebrity he follows advertised a company that he initially thought was too good for him. Wanting to get closer to the celebrity, he dug deeper and saw that nearly anyone could get their foot in the door. At his position, all he had to do was collect Nera, not hard. He started off collecting Nera in the wild which was safe and a bit boring, but one day he was called into an unexpected heist. After a bit of danger and adrenaline, he was hooked! No longer was Nera collection boring! Although he doesn't work with the criminals all the time, he does make himself available for when they want/need him.

Sociality and Mentality:
Friendship tips: Berry doesn’t trust easily, but does like people who want to spend time with him for reasons other than gaining popularity. He also just likes people who are fun and aren’t annoyed by him. Trust is built the more often he spends time with certain people, and the more often he has moments of connection with them. 

Fears: Dying, becoming ugly, having an unfulfilling life 

Personal goals: Become more popular, find a way to get into research without going to school

General intelligence: Average

General sociability: Very social

Fun Facts:

  • His attention-seeking behaviour stems from self-esteem issues 
    • He still wishes he was as good as his siblings
    • He felt like a failure until he got popular on the Virtual Network.
  • Although Berry knows many people, he doesn't have anyone he considers a true friend.
    • This feeling only intensified as his school friends quickly drifted from him after he moved to Grovehart
    • To him, a true friend is someone he can trust and someone he can be vulnerable with without fear of being shamed 
    • He has a number of acquaintances though.
  • Berry believes that if he was smarter and had a degree, he'd do research on breeding pokemon with Nera, or just anything with genetics 
  • His favourite colours are pink and blue. 
    • He also likes cotton candy. 
  • His favourite genres are pop and R&B.
    • He sings sometimes, but his singing isn’t super great
    • As long as it sounds good, he has no problem listening to other genres. 
  • He’s had a very short-lasting relationship in the past for attention on the VN. Considering the nature of the relationship, to him, he’s never really had a romantic partner. 
  • Berry is a virgin. 
    • He tries to not act like one when certain topics arise because it’s “not cool”. 
  • Seeing romance in media or public makes him feel awkward and bashful 
  • Berry can be a bit touchy with his friends
    • He’s just touch starved a lot of the time 
      • Having his pokemon near him is helpful, but sometimes he wants to be touched by another human.
      • Because of this, he can sometimes hold a hug for a bit too long
      • This could have stemmed from a lack of physical affection from his family 
  • Having grown up in Rivertide, he always enjoyed the fun and bustling lifestyle and hardly turned down a chance to party. 
  • Generally, it's rare to catch Berry lazing around, since to him, he doesn't see pleasure in that. 
  • Berry is at his happiest when he's busy doing something productive and has a gratifying end goal. 
  • Berry learned how to sweet talk his way out of risky situations at a young age, by taking advantage of his short stature and cute face. 
    • He still does it as an adult, but mostly does it to avoid punishment
  • He can hoverboard, and tends to use it for transport sometimes. 
  • He does his own makeup. Rarely does he ever do more than mascara and eyeliner. He also uses makeup to hide his face freckles. 
  • Barry started making content for the VN back when he was still a high schooler. His content used to be of him behaving recklessly and pulling pranks. This changed to cute and interesting content, as well as photos of himself and pokemon sometime around the end of high school.
    • His old videos are still somewhere on the VN
    • Sometimes he still does something reckless every once in a while for attention, especially if he’s asked to
  • His old VN name was “Strawberry Milkshake” but it got changed to "Strawberry Daiquiri" for a day when he was legal drinking age. His followers liked it, so he kept it.
    • He sometimes gets messages saying that strawberry daiquiris are red, not pink, but he argues back saying that pink is a cuter version of red so it works lol 
  • Working with criminals gives him a feeling of excitement he can't describe. 
  • He met Nox as a fusion on the border between Grovehart and Brookfell. 
    • Berry thinks Nox was abandoned by his family because of how he looked.
15 February 2022, 19:48:26 CST