
Owned by LovelyNutmeg
Image #74
Uploaded: 3 years and 2 weeks ago
Last Edited: 3 years and 11 hours ago
No additional notes given.

Name: Julien Starling
Gender: Male
Age: 24

Height: 5'6" Ft
System: Stable
  • Infused: N/A
  • Perm fuse: N/A
  • Additional: N/A
Rank: Untrained

Residence: Wintervale
Exploration: B - G - R - W - S

Partner PokemonP#129 Trace


Back before the Nera outbreak, Julien's dad worked as a scientist alongside certain Nera projects. His field of research, specifically, was in using the Nera to try to find a more efficient method of resurrecting fossilized pokemon, trying to minimalize the biases that scientists can interject even unconsciously into the recreation of an ancient pokemon. His theory was that in resurrecting fossilized pokemon, because no one knew for certain what they had actually looked like, things like body weight distribution and whether a specimen had fur or feathers were widely left unknown and up to the scientist to make his best judgement. Aquatic fossils were easier to resurrect because of this, because they are mostly bone, shell, or scales, so less guesswork is ultimately needed to fill in the blanks, but, the accuracy of living fossil pokemon gets less and less so the further away from the aquatic fossils they get, not even to mention potential cross contamination with rock-typing due to being fossilized.

In order to lessen the inaccuracies, Julien's father had sought to experiment with typing Nera with the DNA gathered from the fossils and trying to imprint that onto specific species of pokemon in order to fill in the gaps and hopefully learn more about what they could be missing by just using guesswork. Once the Nera was successfully imprinted on the subject pokemon, differences were noted down in behaviour, size, weight and weight distribution, and any changes to their fur type. It was the study's purpose to determine what parts of the DNA from fossil pokemon were accurate to what we had guessed years ago when Kanto had begun the fossil research, and what were biases of the time. The research was actually quite fruitful, made in no small part because of their use of Eevee as the base subject for the Nera. Eevee was of course selected because of the inherent malleability of their own DNA and the ease of which they are changed by the environment they are in; the hope was that their DNA would mesh with the fossilized DNA and change to become a more complete picture of what that fossil may have looked like still alive. 

Because of all his work at the research lab, and of course, with Nera being so top secret at the time, Julien didn't get to see a lot of his father. Since a small age, he always knew his father's research was important, but was never able to get any details about what it actually was. This is probably what is responsible for his arrogance nowadays, as he still holds his father on such a high pedestal, and therefor feels as though he is privileged in some way compared to others. His father is the smartest person he knows, so of course, being his son, Julien himself must also be just as smart. 

It wasn't until the explosion and subsequent outbreak of Nera that Julien learned what his father was actually doing as a scientist, and the thought of challenging preconceived notions of what science held to be true about fossil pokemon excited Julien almost as much as it did his father. But, because of the Nera outbreak causing almost all pokemon to become hybridized, the research was rendered useless and redundant, not to mention the world now had bigger problems on its hands than trying to prove if Tyrunt had scales or feathers. 

This is how Julien came to meet his first pokemon, his very own partner pokemon. His father, seeing that his research was soon to be thrown out because of the ensuing chaos, decided that the Eevee he had used in the Nera experiments had been too domesticated to be able to live on their own should they have been released. So, he took them home with him instead, and gifted them to his son, who fell in love with them immediately. As rough as Julien tries to act on the outside, he really is a giant softie when it comes to his pokemon. Of course, with his father on such a pedestal, being gifted what amounted to basically his father's life's work up to that point was a badge of honor and pride on top of his already too-large ego. 

Since the outbreak, Julien has spent his time helping his father as an assistant to better understand how Nera works and trying to combat the Nothing, however, even though this is his biggest dream come true of helping his father, his real passion is in grooming and styling pokemon. Maybe one day, if the world ever goes back to normal, that will be his passion instead.
15 February 2022, 19:58:11 CST