Ethos Badge

T-076: Anya

Owned by Harowaja
Image #281
Ethos (Grunt)
Perm-Fused (Trainer) (Sanyatto)
Uploaded: 2 years and 9 months ago
Last Edited: 2 years and 9 months ago
No additional notes given.

Name: Anya
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Height: 6'0

Physical description:
Anya is physically well built and fit. Her arms lead into large, paw like hands that possess immense strength but aren't as good for intricate works.
Her muscular arms are covered in short fur from her unfusion and dark stripes spread across her back and shoulders. Along with her arms, her feet have been replaced by strong sanyatto paws as well and thanks to her rigorous training they lookas muscular as her arms.
The stripes on her back extend onto the colorful tail she has gained from her infusion. Long and fluffy it is perfect for cuddles.
Anya's Eyes are a dark turqoise color and her hair is the same dark brown as her tiger stripes and almost always slicked back to keep it out of the way.
With her active lifestyle, Anya prefers clothes that leave much room for her to move. Thus her wardrobe is full of armless shirts and comfortable pants and shorts.
Thanks to her paws she doesn't usually need shoes.
Anya lived a relatively normal Childhood and her Life only changed for the more interesting when she suddenly got hit by the Infusion 3 years ago.
At first it was quite hard for to adjust. Fur everywhere, increased hunger and hands she could not use like she used to.
But soon she found her peace with it. Sanyatto's naturally built stature fit well with her own that she had been training for years.
And the fluffy fur made cuddling with those she likes even more comfortable. She rarely admits it but she is happy for the fact that her fluffy appeareance gets her more cuddles from others.
9 May 2022, 10:00:04 CDT