T-077: Iris

Owned by sherlybones
Image #282
Infused (Trainer) (Noivern)
Uploaded: 2 years and 9 months ago
Last Edited: 2 years and 9 months ago
No additional notes given.

Name: Iris 'Iri' Linwood
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Age: 22 (July 13)

Height: 5'6

Rank: Untrained

Residence: Grovehart
Exploration: B - W - S
Tracker: TBA

Adopted by her father at age eight, Iris has never really known stability and never takes things for granted as a result. She had been living in a childrens' home with a few others since a very young age, and struggled to adapt to new environments, but her adopted father was always patient with her. Despite her efforts to adapt, young Iris had a difficult time processing change, and being in a noisy classroom filled with noisy kids overwhelmed her - a situation not made any easier as bullies used her family origin against her. Luckily, her father had flexibile work hours and was able to homeschool Iris with the help of the social worker. - thankfully with the use of TDs and PCs, this wasn't a difficult transition and Iris thrived in the quieter environment.

When she was old enough to begin pursuing higher education or employment, Iris choose to learn her father's trade. It was around this time where Iris became infused with a Nera, a stressful event that was not made any easier by her heightened senses - particularly her hearing. In an fool-hardy attempt to support his daughter through the change, her father volunteered to a Nera research program, where he became infused with an Emolga. His paternal love for his daughter and the worry for the changes she was struggling to adapt to caused him to perma-infuse. With her father's increased understanding of the infusion, and the support of her friends from her previous home, Iris was able to start living a normal life again.

Every cloud has a silver lining, however, as Iris and her father discovered that their new features made them more proficient at their work. Through the use of his emolga features, Iris' father would glide through Grovehart and Sylvangloam - helping those who had wandered too far or too high. Although Iris did not have any wings of her own, her powerful legs and long tail proved useful to climbing and leaping through the giant forests. The two soon discovered that Iris' sensitive hearing was a boon in the environment; able to locate people or items that the human eye/ear could not. 

Now old enough to live on her own, Iris branched out into being a for-hire, escorting people (researchers, tourists, trainers, etc) through Sylvangloam and back to Grovehart safely. Her father continued his work in search-and-rescue and frets for his daughter's 'reckless' trips into the wild woods.

What You Character Might Know:
-Looking at those ears, most people assume that Iris can hear almost everything around her. They're right.. and then some.

9 May 2022, 10:01:42 CDT