T-081: Micah Morais

Owned by Kelyias
Image #1990
Uploaded: 1 year and 10 months ago
Last Edited: 1 year and 10 months ago
No additional notes given.

Name: Micah Morais
Gender: Male
Age: 48 Years Old
Height: 6'5"

Perm fuse: 

Partner Pokemon:
- Ember (Litwick)

Physical description: His eyes are bright amber, almost as if they were made of gold. Micah's hair is platinum blond, bordering white with slightly darker roots. Its length is what one could consider medium length for a man, coming to below his ear but above his shoulders. His skin is a warm cinnamon kind of colour, but light enough to still show some form of blush if the man gets truly embarrassed. In terms of clothing, Micah prefers soft wool and cotton over most expensive options. Being in Wintervale it at least gives him the excuse of the weather to dress in those sort of fabrics. Often wearing turtlenecks with long coats and even longer scarves, Micah only comes out during the day wearing a mixture of warm and dark colours, like black trousers and turtleneck with a cream coat. The colour in his wardrobe is mostly added via accessories, such as scarves.

◈ Allocentric || Clear-headed || Discreet || Possessive || Tense || Opinionated ◈

Theme: --

"At any given moment you have the power to say: this is not how the story is going to end."


Micah was born as an only child to his parents Garter and Enola in Grovehart, a city full of luscious forests, bushes, plants, and trees. Being so close to nature always brought a sense of calm to the youngster and with his parents being an architect and a homeschool teacher, he found himself drawn to the outside world. He was born with a weak heart and before the augmentations were released he was often kept inside, away from any hurt or anything that could trigger an attack. Oftentimes he would steal his father’s tools to imitate him, trying to draw and make a perfect place where he could live and still be outside. Foolish places, of course, usually end up being drawn images of treehouses and the like. He became very proficient in drawing from a young age because of it. When he was about ten years old he became the recipient of one of the mandatory augmentations that would increase healthcare and allow him to live more freely. His father had had it installed without his mother’s permission or agreement, and it sparked awful fights between his parents. His mother was a firm believer of nature taking its course, having often not even wanted to get Micah vaccinated- which did not help the state of his weak heart.

Micah’s parents split in his early teens after he had received his augmentations. His father had up and left his mother, not able to bear raising him with someone who was so against living in the modern world. Micah had no word in it and being underage meant he had to stay with the one who had custody of him. At this point, his mother couldn’t keep him inside as much as she wanted to anymore, which means Micah finally got to go outside whenever he wanted. Because of his weak heart, Micah was still in danger, but luckily the augmentation meant that he would have a visual cue if something were to happen and if he needed help. He often spent his time outside visiting the hospital and any sort of aid to get help for his heart. His mother would have refused, and it was only through a lot of begging that they would keep quiet and aid him.
Later on in his teens, his mother found out about his visits and kept him from visiting the hospital again. Now, with no aid whatsoever, Micah saw no other choice but to run away from home. It didn’t last long, since he definitely wasn’t the type to survive out there, but it sparked a court case where custody was taken away from his mother and his father was asked if he was to receive custody. Unable to do so, Micah was instead placed in temporary foster care until he would turn eighteen.

Upon his eighteenth birthday, Micah was eager to leave foster care and live on his own. First, however, came medication. Now that he was of legal age he was able to visit the hospital and get help for himself with no parental consent needed. With the medication, his heart strengthened, and with therapy, he was able to live a normal life.
After working several jobs, he found himself drawn to the arts again as he was when he was young. He painted a few things in his spare time and sold them on social media, quickly earning a name for himself. Taking on commissions, drawing pokemon and masters alike, he started to earn enough money that he would save up to expand more. He quit his other jobs and focused entirely on becoming an artist. Throughout his earlier years, Micah often had run-ins with romance and flings, but nothing ever stuck. He was too possessive of his partners and it was often a turn-off.

When he had enough money Micah moved to travel across the region of Reignsrest, eager to find a place where he could settle and stay. He didn’t possess a fortune, and all he knew was that his life in Grovehart was over for him. Brookfell wasn’t a place where he could remain safely, so that left Rivertide or Wintervale. The plan was to stay a couple of years in each of them to see which he liked best. He first went to stay in Rivertide until his early 30s but found himself unable to enjoy living there. He was still restless, and eager to explore his options.

After Rivertide, he moved to Wintervale. Seeing the sculptures around the town inspired him to turn to sculpting, and found himself possessing talent in that as well. He worked tirelessly on sculptures, and paintings, to the point where he became famous without people even knowing who he was. His work went for loads of credits, and while he definitely got the profits from them, he found himself preferring people not knowing he was loaded. He was stingy with his money, too, despite the people around him practically flinging it around like it was nothing. He wanted to make a difference, so he donated his money to charities and funding for new Core applications and developments in Grovehart. After having met Viggo and Elijah, he stayed close with the both of them- and when Elijah passed in the Nothing, he suffered a deep trauma from the loss that he pretends he does not have.

- He absolutely despises having himself be touched in any way without explicit permission.
- He's very particular about wanting to enjoy his own peace and quiet and if interrupted in such a time he's very likely to hold it as a grudge.
- Micah works on the creative arts in his spare time, often devoting energy to paintings, stories, clothing or sculptures. Anything that keeps him busy.
- Aside from being creative, Micah is also intelligent and has a near picture-perfect memory. He can remember small things extremely easily from where he left a pen over two years ago to how a soup tasted on a Tuesday a few weeks ago.
- He absolutely adores children, for most of the time they're one of the only ones who will actually appreciate stories and imagery as he does.
- Micah has a weak heart that he has to take medication for. He also often gets sick due to not having been vaccinated in his early years. When he’s sick he struggles quite a lot, so he tries to avoid any viruses at all times.
- Following the death of his friend, Micah often struggles in complete and utter darkness. It’s a childish fear, according to him, but nothing has ever helped him rid of it. Instead, he relies on any source of light for comfort and doesn’t sleep without it.
- Due to his trauma of losing a friend in the Nothing, he also takes anti-anxiety pills and sleeping pills to get through the night. If he doesn’t take them his heart will go wild and his VS will start flashing orange, alerting the authorities. He oftentimes has to go to the hospital in these cases.

13 May 2022, 10:07:57 CDT