T-082: Chase Raeburn

Owned by Jaykobell
Image #414
Uploaded: 2 years and 8 months ago
Last Edited: 2 years and 8 months ago
No additional notes given.
Name: Chase Raeburn
Gender: Male (he/him)
Age: 22
Height: 5'7"

Infused: N/A
Perm fuse: Alolan Rattata

Partner Pokemon: Lily (Pedigree Shuckle)

His mom, a talented trainer and breeder, and his father, a quiet hobbyist musician. Chase had a very normal life growing up, although he rarely got attention from his mother due to her demanding career. As the owner of a daycare, his mother raised Chase among Pokemon almost as soon as he was born. He found solace in their friendship, and this affection for Pokemon is what brought him to his current career and standing as a professional chef of Pokemon food.

Chase has had ups and downs with his mother. After a horrifying Pyroar attack - which injured his right arm - they grew significantly apart. While the injury has healed and scarred over, straining his arm can cause Chase pain, which can be problematic for his job.

Here in Reigns Rest, he lives a quiet life with a fellow Pokemon lover named Azalea. While Aza handles more adventurous work, Chase handles his day job at a restaurant, and handles the house care, including making meals for Aza and the Pokemon.

He's very reserved and has a hard time opening up to others. He prefers to keep to himself, and he's not a fan of physical touch. He's been known to have a temper - usually talking to himself to rant about something. He has a hard time with words and prefers to express gratitude via actions rather than words. He has a soft and kind soul, but he is embarrassed to show it and indulge in gentler feelings.
21 May 2022, 16:21:28 CDT