T-090: Jodie Falkor

Owned by Kaleran

Name: Jodie Falkor

Gender: Nonbinary, demigirl, they're not quite sure and that's okay (She/They)Age: 28

Height: 5'8

System: Stable

Infused: Flygon


Tall and gangly, Jodie has never been comfortable in their body and it shows. Their skin is pale but toasted a light brown from all the time they spend in the sun on their courier runs. She's all limbs and angles like an eternal teenager to her own displeasure. Her eyes were once grey blue but are now red to match her infusion. She wears red-tinted goggles or glasses, as her eyes are sensitive to blue wavelengths of light since her infusion and tends to always keep her goggles on to lessen the hassle. They lose their regular glasses frequently. Their long brown hair with streaks of green, only growing greener as they get more comfortable with their infusion, is constantly messy and they're always debating if they should just cut it all off and be done with it all, but never ends up going through with it. Next haircut, they tell themselves. Next time.

In the middle of her forehead, she has a pair of green antennae from her flygon infusion. They twitch as they sense the currents in the air and are especially sensitive to changes in humidity and temperature, allowing her to read the weather. Their tail is usually hidden (as they spend most of her time tripping over it, never mind that they've been infused for over a year) but is just as long and thin as the rest of them.  She has darker green stripes up her tail and matching ones on her legs.

She tends to wear the uniform of her station and rarely wears anything else to keep her luggage light as she travels. The shirt is cream with rust red accents, sleeves frequently rolled up, and the pants are a matching red. Their clothes are frequently wrinkled and unkempt and are always covered in dust or snow depending on where they last traveled from.


Jodie has never had a permanent place to call home- only places she knows are safe to spend the night before taking off again. Her parents were couriers and she happily followed in their footsteps. They’re not particularly attached to their parents, as they were frequently left in the care of someone else while their parents were on dangerous or urgent courier runs where they couldn’t take her along.

It doesn’t matter; they like being on their own as they’re rather terrible with people. She has a tendency to get flustered at the slightest provocation and frequently trips over her own feet or fumbles with her things (rest in peace, all the broken pairs of red-tinted glasses she’s broken) and rarely makes a good impression. Other people tend to see her as sort of an idiot the first time they meet her, but she’s quite loyal and steadfast under her clumsy exterior. Safe delivery of her cargo is her utmost priority.

They didn’t really intend to get infused, but an accidental incident with a DNA nera brought them flygon traits. She’s embarrassed by her new physical traits but can admit that her new weather-sensing abilities are useful, although she now grows sluggish and sleepy in the cold. Someday, they hope to become permanently infused so they can start flying along their routes as to deliver their cargo faster. She still hasn’t grown used to the tail though and tends to keep it hidden with a red suppressor bracelet so she doesn’t embarrass herself.

Now, with the Nothing causing all sorts of trouble and causing problems for her courier business, she’s joined the fight to see what in Arceus’s name is happening and to get her damn job back on track.

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