T-094: Cecil Dorras
Name: Cecil
Gender: Male
Age: 28 Years Old
Height: 5"9'
System: Stable
Infused: Hoothoot
Perm fuse: -
Additional: -
Partner Pokemon: Peanut (Kotora | Chingling)
Physical description: Cecil's appearance is very snobbish. Looks matter to him as much as time does, so he makes sure his clothes are neat and presentable whenever he appears for the job. His striking red eyes reflect in the dark, ensuring he's able to see in the dark corners of the clubs. It makes him a perfect bartender being able to take care of the safety of the customers. His eyelashes are the chunky and pronounced classic HootHoot squares, which often causes him to look quite scandalous or tired in certain lighting. His hair is kept short in the back, but long enough to curl upward just slightly. On the front, they're separated into two long strands of bangs, which he often swipes away behind his ears if needed.
History: Cecil had an easy childhood. He was born, he was loved, he went to school, he had friends, he went to high school, he went to college, and then he dropped out. His interests laid elsewhere, and not in the academic studies. He went to work at a grocery store to afford to be able to live on his own, and in his free time, he would party hard.
It wasn't until the Nera outbreak that his ducks seemed to line up in a row. He accidentally became fused with the nera of a hoothoot, and being as active as he was, it was a struggle to go from being very active at all times of day to now only really preferring to be active at night. During the day he found himself to be sluggish, tired, reactive and annoyed easily. Because of this, it was hard to continue working at the grocery store, and he had to quit.
Struggling to find ends meet, he decided to take up courses during the night, becoming quite literally the night owl. The one thing that helped a lot was that he would always have a timed rhythm. He'd wake up, he'd have breakfast (at night), he'd study for exactly the amount of hours necessary, and go to bed at the exact same time every single morning. Night after night this rhythm persisted as he was desperate to change this aspect of his life so he could return to some form of normalcy. Preferably the partying. Eventually, he decided on a bartending course. With bartending, he'd be able to take on the night shifts and be as close to the sort of environment that he considered normal, too. A place of comfort, in a way, as he dealt with his own emotional turmoil of being fused.
Over the years after the outbreak, he became one of the best bartenders and loved to keep up the appearance of such as well. He'd only go out at night, making sure that he was only seen as collected as he was at those moments. During the day he'd sleep, and only really decide to wake up during dusk and dawn.