Cynic Badge

T-109: Neo

Owned by l0pmon
Image #672
Cynic (Grunt)
Uploaded: 2 years and 3 months ago
Last Edited: 2 years and 3 months ago
No additional notes given.

Name: Neo
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Height: 5’9
System: Stable

Nera- None

Partner Pokemon: Alexander(Shinx/Rotom)

History: Just finished his schooling and now works in Grovehart as an analyst, having to go out and take date from remote locations or performing upkeep on beacons. Neo isn’t the nicest person around but his sour exterior can’t hide the fact he meticulously cleans up after others, or make sure they aren’t staying up too late. He cares, in his own roundabout way. It’s not apparent but his right arm is fully modified, having lost it as a youth to a wild pokemon attack.

He’s rather gifted in intelligence, going over complex formulas and finding patterns with a critical eye. It can explain why he’s such a nag, always finding the littlest of things to critique.

The reason he’s hard on everyone including himself is due to the fact he doesn’t come from any great boon of opportunity. He originated from the outskirts of Brookfell, having seen the worst of people and pokemon alike, and clawed his way up to get to where he is now. He works hard and takes on extra jobs to send money back to his little sister and grandmother.

9 November 2022, 02:40:16 CST