T-115: Arlo Ventus

Owned by Livard
Image #701
Perm-Fused (Trainer) (Togekiss)
Uploaded: 2 years and 3 months ago
Last Edited: 2 years and 3 months ago
No additional notes given.

Name: Arlo Ventus
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Height: 5"6
System: Stable

Perm fuse: Togekiss

Partner Pokemon: Skellige P-### (Reigns Noctowl/Wyrdeer)

Arlo was born and raised in Grovehart to a large family of gifted and accomplished trainers, artists, writers, and all around successful people. His parents had high expectations for him being the youngest of three children, but they always claimed he was free to choose whatever path he wanted for himself and they would support him. So Arlo tried a little bit of everything. He tried instruments and found a small amount of joy in them, but not enough to make a career out of it. He painted Sunday afternoons in the park and was able to capture the likeness of his partner, Skellige quite well, but he found it tedious and boring after awhile. He even took on some Gyms with Skellige, gaining strength and forming a close bond with his pokemon - but it just wasn't for him.

Discouraged, he believed he was doomed to never find anything that gave him that spark of inspiration like his parents and siblings. He moved out and into an old property the family owned, a modern home built around an old tree in the depths of one of the many parks in Grovehart. He called it his Roost, and for a few years very few heard from him. After the Nera outbreak his family checked in on him, worried sick that he may have been harmed or that he may not even be in Grovehart at all. What they found was a sanctuary for bird types, or those fused with them, and a man passionate about his pokemon friends and the stories he was writing about them.

Arlo writes children's stories and books now, popular for their illustrations and engaging stories through not just Grovehart. He takes in flying types to his roost and has a hard time turning away those that may need his help - pokemon or human. He was fused after an injured Togekiss found his sanctuary and a stray nera bumped into it, and then into him, giving him practically non-functioning wings and an absurd amount of fluffy feathers growing from his back and face. Much to his chagrin, supressors only work if he avoids other people - for if a kind deed or selfless act is performed in his radius, they break and his nera is on display for all to see. Similarly, conflict and truly unkind actions give him a migraine, so he's become even more of a hermit than before.

12 November 2022, 09:57:12 CST