T-131: Rebelle

Image #917
Uploaded: 2 years and 1 month ago
Last Edited: 2 years and 1 month ago
No additional notes given.

Name: Victoria “Rebelle” Morgan
Gender: Female (She/They)
Age: 23
Height: 5'1” (5'7” if you count her mohawks)
System: Off-Grid (Uses non-integrated tech to get by without an actual System)

Perm fuse: Toxtricity

Partner Pokemon: Molly [P-407] (Ferreanie [Mareanie/Ferroseed])

Physical Description: Rebelle stands at just over 67 inches in height (61 inches if you don't count her six inch mohawks) with a lithe, athletic build. Her hair is bright yellow in the center and bright blue on either side of the yellow, and is often styled up into a trio of mohawks with the sides of her head shaved down. When she wants a more subtle look she will sometimes wear her hair down, which results in the yellow hair laying over top of the blue. Different parts of her hair gently glow depending on which form of her fusion she is in; when in her Amped form the yellow part glows, while when in her Low-Key form the two blue sections glow.

Her arms are disproportionately long for her body, reaching almost to her knees, and end in large, long fingered hands with palms that shift from blue to yellow depending on which form she is in at the moment. Her stomach shares the same coloration as her palms, starting just above her groin and going all the way up her chest and neck to end with her lower jaw. The skin of her hands and arms is a bright purple, running up to her shoulders and across her back before climbing up the sides and back of her neck to where her hairline starts in line with the yellow of her lower jaw. Adding to her blatantly fused appearance are the presence of a pair of nubby purple horns, one on each temple, as well as sharp, enlarged upper canine teeth and eyes which lack any visible iris coloration.

Often Rebelle will wear a fake Technical Display and Primary Core/Essential Link in an effort to better blend in at a cursory glance. The fake core is little more than an empty core she got on the black market adhered to her skin with spirit gum adhesive at the top of her breastbone with an LED installed and concealed controls to set the color of the light, while the TD is an entirely cosmetic prosthetic that she'll often attach to the underside of her left wrist so that it doesn't have to constantly pass as legitimate, blaming the presence of her horns for it not being on her temple.

Her outfits vary fairly heavily depending on the circumstances. When she's relaxed or just out enjoying herself she'll often wear more minimal outfits such as torn off tank tops made from rock and punk band t-shirts or even just a simple sports bra paired with ripped jeans, cut-off shorts, or baggy bondage pants. She's also fond of leather vests and jackets with lots of spikes and chains. Finishing out her more casual ensembles are spiked bracelets with a matching choker and belt and several piercings.

When she's working as a runner and courier she'll usually wear more practical form fitting clothing such as cargo pants and a tank top or sports bra so that she has better movement and less things to catch on as she parkours her way through whatever city she's in. If she's moving something that she really probably shouldn't be, or something that's of value, she'll also usually wear a plain hoodie so as to help hide her bright hair and unique appearance. When traveling between the cities or carrying contraband she'll also usually wear a simple, low profile respirator both to conceal her lower face and in case she has an unexpected run-in with the fog. If she's expecting fog, or really needs to hide her face, she'll wear a full face respirator mask with dark tinted plastic.

Regardless of what she's doing, Rebelle almost never leaves home without her boots and her backback. The boots have been modified into an adjustable pair of inline skates with multiple configurations for different disciplines of skating as well as to allow them to be used as simple boots or even as hover skates at higher speeds or on uneven terrain. The “backpack”, meanwhile, conceals a custom-built wing-”suit” that she can quickly pull the membrane for out from both sides and attach to first her boots and then her wrists with a quick set of movements using light, strong cables and quick attaching hooks. It also contains a base jumping parachute as an emergency backup should the wingsuit fail and for safer landings. Both pieces of equipment were custom made by Rebelle, using the same technological and engineering skills that brought her and her family to Reignsrest four years ago.

Just in case she ever needs a quick escape or change in appearance Rebelle always wears her suppressor on her left wrist, usually concealed inside the spiked bracer which she wears almost all the time, or failing that concealed under gloves or sleeves. She doesn't normally have her suppressor turned on, preferring to embrace her wild fused appearance and the new life it represents, but sometimes she will activate it if she wants to go especially incognito. In those instances, her unfused form is revealed to be that of a simple seeming, sun tanned young woman with freckled light skin, brown hair, and green eyes. If she's planning on masquerading as her pre-fused self Rebelle still has a couple of her old outfits laying around, which consist of some plain jeans and casual shirts and sweaters. She even has a pair of “normal” sneakers to wear in such occasions.

History: Rebelle was born in Galar as Victoria Morgan, the only daughter of an upper-middle class family. Growing up she was extremely close to her father, Richard, who was an engineer and amateur gadgeteer. From a young age he inspired and encouraged her love of mechanics and technology, which resulted in her seeking a degree in advanced technology and engineering once she graduated from secondary school and finished her university prep. Her bright mind and excellent academic performance made her a shoe in for prestigious technological institute in Reignsrest.

Before they made a final decision, however, her mother Anne insisted that they visit to make sure that the Grovehart campus and culture would be a good fit and with that goal in mind the family chartered a flight to Reignsrest in 2002. Once in Reignsrest Victoria fell in love with region's culture and embrace of cutting edge technology. She'd already made her appointment to have the Procedure and was visiting Wintervale with her parents to see more of the region the day the Nothing appeared, trapping them in Wintervale. In the chaos and panic Richard got separated from Anne and Victoria and was lost to the blizzard that the fog brought with it.

The loss of Richard fractured Victoria's relationship with her mother. Blaming Anne's insistence on them visiting the campus for her father's death, Victoria and her mother got into an ugly screaming match once they'd gotten to safety in New Wintervale. Unable to stand the sight of the woman who she blamed for Richard's death, Victoria stormed out of the shelter they were in and avoided Anne until the walls fell and travel resumed between the cities. At that point she got on the first train to Brookfell, leaving the broken remnants of her old life behind.

In Brookfell she began using any drug she could get her hands on, hooking up with whoever would take her, and trying anything that gave her a rush of adrenaline in an attempt to numb the pain and distract her from her painful memories. Inevitably this resulted in her being exposed to Nera and she ended up fused with Toxtricity DNA, and after a few weeks of life with the fusion she decided to let Victoria die and be reborn as Rebelle. Now permanently fused, she found that her new physiology helped in processing the various toxins she was cramming into her body, converting the chemicals into electricity which left her energized.

Since then Rebelle has made a place for herself in Brookfell as a regular in the local rock, party, and drug scenes. She makes ends meet as a freelance courier with a reputation for discretion and dedication; she won't peek at what she's carrying or talk about it to those she shouldn't, and she's known for taking creative routes through Brookfell using the rooftops, alleys, and cliffs as her own personal highway. More recently, as the thrill of running packages has dulled, she's also started taking more dangerous recovery jobs that send her out of Brookfell and into areas closer to the ever-lurking fog. With a budding reputation as someone who can retrieve things from dangerous locations and situations, she's hoping to make new connections that can help her experience new thrills and rise above her current life in the gutters of Brookfell.

2 December 2022, 12:11:12 CST