T-133: Basic Trainer ID
Owned by TheLegion
Name: Frank Dhole
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Height: 5'9
System: Stable
Perm fuse: Noctowl
He’s a very quiet, awkward guy. He hates being in public places and finds talking to people both tedious and frustrating. Due to this, he’s seen as more of a wanderer who doesn’t often return to his disheveled and dusty home. He much prefers sleeping outside and gazing at the stars, though is prone to colds because of it. He’s definitely a night owl, no pun intended, and he loves to read books in his spare time. He owns a bookstore which also doubles as his home, though for the most part he prefers online orders to face to face customers…
Partner Pokemon: Noctis Pedigree Noctowl