Ethos Badge

T-137: Corvus

Owned by EtherealEnds
Image #2493
Ethos (Grunt)
Uploaded: 1 year and 4 months ago
Last Edited: 1 year and 4 months ago
No additional notes given.

Name: Corvus Octavia
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Height: 5'7"
System: Stable

Infused: N/A
Perm fuse: N/A
Additional: N/A

Partner Pokemon:

History: Corvus was born to a fairly well-off family in Rivertide, though his mother was against the technological advances that the region had made. His father was a researcher, though he didn't know anything about the research done. One day, his father ventured out at night and disappeared, which left Corvus was his mother. Due to her negligent and selfish attitude, he left home, working as a barista for a short time before getting into theft. Pickpocketing was a skill that he ended up honing, and it certainly brought in more money than his job did. He would work for various clients that wanted him to swipe expensive goods, and they paid well. However, on his failed and most recent attempt, he had not planned for the guard dogs. The scars on his arms and legs were received from a domesticated Houndoom raised to guard the place, though he has no recollection of the event. From what he had been told, he was spared by the owner of the mansion, and he received medical attention before serving some jail time. He doesn't do heists as much now, though he still might pickpocket now and then. And he will, of course, take more jobs if he gets money out of it. Corvus also got cybernetics shortly after the attack, as well, to help him cope with the pain in his arms and legs, and to recover some mobility that had been lost.

26 December 2022, 15:37:46 CST