Ethos Badge

Profile T-138: Ainsley Holt

Owned by StormHeart413
Image #1036
Ethos (Grunt)
Uploaded: 2 years and 2 months ago
Last Edited: 2 years and 2 months ago
No additional notes given.

Name: Ainsley Holt
Gender: Nonbinary
Age: 19
Height: 5'
System: Stable

Partner Pokemon: (P-442) Excelsior

Ainsley grew up in Celestic Town in Sinnoh. A tiny town set in its own old ways, they grew up learning a lot about their region's history. Despite being so young, is incredibly mature for their age and seems WAY more tired by the world than anyone of 19 should be. They showed up in ReignsRest right before the fog descended - and "showed up" is exactly the right termage. Nobody saw them arrive and they have no paperwork that would naturally go with a trip like that. All the same, they've settled in and seems fine to continue their research here. They're always accompanied by at least one notebook, full of drawings of different Pokemon and scribbled notes. Despite their contentedness, sometimes they can still be found absolutely homesick - and perhaps worried that they'll never get back.

27 December 2022, 10:43:49 CST