T-162: Kavi / Kavael

Owned by Anhelisk
Image #1368
Perm-Fused (Trainer) (Zorua)
Uploaded: 2 years and 5 days ago
Last Edited: 2 years and 5 days ago
No additional notes given.

Name: Kavael. Kavi for short.
Gender: Nonbinary Male, fluid social presentation. He / They pronouns.
Age: 25
Height: 6'7", lithe build.

Nera -
Perm Fuse: Zorua (Vocal mimicry, increased range of hearing/vision and generally heightened senses)

Partner Pokemon: P-548: Sizzle

Appearance: Kavi's parents blessed him with straight hair that grows out past his waist, long lashes, an upturned nose, pouting lips, and almond-shaped eyes. What nature didn't give him, however, he worked for to get what he wants.

Until his fusion with a Zorua DNA nera, he regularly used dyes, colour-changing extensions, and colour contacts to help him best suit whatever looks he'd wear, but since permanently fusing, he has been gradually learning how to change his pigmentation, sometimes with unpredictable results. When at its natural state, his hair is white (the first gene mod he picked for himself-- all the easier to dye) his skin a bronzey olive, and his eyes, once a red-violet inherited from his mother, are now a Zorua's bright blue-green.

As a fashion and costuming influencer, he tends to sport femme or androgynous clothing, varying in styles from the fantastical to modern fashions. Many of the pieces he wears are hand-made, either by himself or bespoke from artisans. As a performer, he wears whatever he is asked, or when given his own freedoms to choose, tries to fit in with the best choices for venues. He is just as happy in a little black dress as a tailored suit, but he seldomly dresses down-- if he is without having been asked, it's a good sign he's likely feeling under the weather.

When it comes to his cybernetics, he grew up with access to the best that money can buy. He has two connected technical displays-- one located on the inside of his right wrist, which uses hand gestures to see, and one on his temple. Connected with those are several peripheral accessories-- a subvocal sensor to route inputs without making physical gestures, bone conduction microphones in his cheekbones, and an inner-eye projector and sensor, letting him use blink and eye movement inputs and see a screen with the utmost of privacy.

History: having grown up with parents highly involved in biotechnical fields, Kavi and his twin grew up in relative luxury. While he specialized into more artistic fields in life, his sister and parents were active members in the scientific community, until their sudden retirement three years prior, shortly after the Nera Outbreak.

His parents moved into early retirement, choosing to focus instead on hobbies and charity, while his sister all-but disappeared, working odd hours at sketchy clinics, and only coming back home sporadically to visit.

Recently, with the success of his performances on the small stage and as an influencer in fashion and lifestyle, the young man has begun to travel his own, offering a cover for him to quietly try to figure out what happened.

He believes one thing to be true, although he can't yet put it to words: there's a conspiracy of some sort that drove his family apart, and he can't trust anyone-- possibly not even his own twin.

22 January 2023, 16:07:43 CST