T-176: Brie
Name: Brie
Gender: Female
Age: 35
Height: 5'5"
System: Stable
Infused: Sylveon
Partner Pokemon: Butter (Shiny Eevee in the works)
Brie grew up in Kalos all her life with a happy family, but she fell in love with Reign's Rest after a school trip and longed to live there. She started working once she was old enough and saved up, when she finally had enough by the time she was 20. She and her two companions, Butter (her starter) and Bread (his mate), traveled via plane to the country, and she settled in the city of Groveheart, where she eventually opened a sandwich shop named after her two Pokemon: Bread 'N Butter Sandwich Shop. The first couple of years were rough to start, but she found her niche and hit her stride. Bread and Butter had many kits, some of which stayed around and bonded with Brie rather than going to new homes. Each one was named after a food ingredient for the lack of anything better to name them.
Things were fine until the Nothing showed up, and she and her Pokemon quickly became fused with the mysterious Nera. No surprise to anyone, Brie was fused to an Eeveelution, and she never really bothered with a suppressor. She still lives happily with her team, running her shop.