T-180: Uira DeLorin

Owned by Kelyias
Image #1967
Uploaded: 1 year and 10 months ago
Last Edited: 1 year and 10 months ago
No additional notes given.

Name: Uira DeLorin
Gender: Female
Age: 26 Years
Height: 5'6"
System: Stable


Partner Pokemon: Pochi - Pedigree Skuntank

Physical Description: Uira has a somewhat tall but slender build and often wears dark clothes, mostly leather and sometimes even latex for their shiny appearance. She is a big fan of crop tops and loves to pair them with leather trousers and a jacket on top. When seeing her on the street, she'll most likely be wearing either all black or a mix of darker colours. Sticks out like a sore thumb in Grovehart and Rivertide because of it.

Uira comes from Sinnoh where she led a cushy comfy life as the region's Dark Type gym leader. Her personal life's purpose was always to gather as many dark-type pokemon as she could, and so every year she spends six months traveling and finding new pokemon on her trips. She met many of her pokemon companions through the years, raising them up from their small initial evolutions up until they were big and strong. In 2002, the young woman finally reached Reignsrest though she ended up getting stuck in the region when the Nera Outbreak hit and the fog prevented any travel in and out of the region. Despite having some differences with her system compared to the locals, she does her best to take up small jobs here and there to get the money she can use in the region. Though that being said, she isn't necessarily good... at them... and trouble seems to keep finding her.

6 March 2023, 17:28:16 CST