Adept Trainer

T-188: Phoenix

Owned by konekoangel
Image #1887
Cynic (Grunt)
Uploaded: 1 year and 11 months ago
Last Edited: 1 year and 11 months ago
No additional notes given.

Name: Phoenix
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Height: 5'8"
System: Stable

Infused: (DNA - Espeon)

Partner Pokemon: Gabriel (Meowstic/Archeops)

History: Phoenix and his twin moved around a lot to different regions as their parents traveled the contest circuit, and they were exposed to a lot of fun and exciting people, places, and Pokemon. While still young and visiting Kalos, Phoenix stumbled on a box of very young Espurr, with a tattered, waterstained sign reading 'Free to Good Home'. and begged his parents for one of the kittens. Rather then just take one and leave the others, the family took the whole box and each family member got their own Espurr to care for, although Kina never fully bonded with her new friend and her Espurr was adopted out later. This generosity and compassion left a mark on Phoenix and he did everything he could to take care of those less fortunate, including those often overlooked. He developed a passion for Psychic type Pokemon thanks to his partner Pokemon, as well as for Bug types and Fairy types.

He also developed a passion for phone games, and a fascination with video games in general, tinkering and producing several for his friends to enjoy from wherever they were, and over time, he grew his own one-man studio developing games in his spare time (school was important after all) until he graduated high school, and with his twin, moved to Reign's Rest, where some of the best universities were so he could further his skills as a game developer.

ESP Studios flourished as his skills improved, and after they graduated, they had made such a life for themselves that neither felt like moving back home. They still spoke with their parents regularly, but after the Fog rolled in, the pair no longer could reach them, and they were left on their own. They've made do, especially when both of them were fused with Nera, and his sister turned her attention to the technology field. ESP Studios, and in turn, Phoenix, still did well for themselves, and not much has really changed except he can no longer go out past dark with friends.

30 March 2023, 23:16:42 CDT