Adept Trainer

T-206: Omega

Owned by konekoangel
Image #2640
Uploaded: 8 months and 3 weeks ago
Last Edited: 8 months and 3 weeks ago
No additional notes given.

Name: Omega
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Height: 5'5"
System: Stable


Partner Pokemon: (Dedenne/Mincinno)

History: Omega grew up traveling around as her brothers were stationed at different military posts. She never knew her mother, and her father died under circumstances her brothers never spoke about. Being the youngest, and the only girl, she was spoiled as best as her four older brothers could manage, but she learned a lot about empathy, loyalty, and other qualities that would shape her into the young woman she is today. Being a ten year difference between her and the youngest of her brothers, sometimes it was difficult connecting with them, and each became a father figure in their own way to her.

Due to the frequent travels, but not able to go out exploring on her own, Omega felt she missed out on a lot, but loved meeting new people. This planted the seed of wanderlust in her, and once all of her brothers retired from the military to try their hand at civilian life, she grew restless. Seeking new experiences, she moved with the youngest of her brothers to Reign's Rest, where he was looking to get better prosthetics for himself. Unfortunately, mere months after moving, the Fog rolled in, trapping the pair far from home and from the safety net they both had long relied on.

Omega took work as a courier, and sometimes worked security as well. Her career so far mostly consists of odd jobs as she tries to find her footing in a new world full of challenges, far from the structure she grew up with.

Base by LockworkOrange

2 May 2023, 00:16:43 CDT