T-226: Fake ID

Owned by Kelyias
Image #2281
Uploaded: 1 year and 8 months ago
Last Edited: 1 year and 8 months ago
No additional notes given.

Name: Argyle Simons
Gender: Male
Age: 37 Years
Height: 6'2"
System: Stable

Infused: Alakazam
Perm fuse: N/A
Additional: N/A

Partner Pokemon: N/A

Physical description:
Argyle Simons is, on the outside, a stern and serious man. His profession demands him to be strict, concise, and professional concise so that he doesn't instill fear or concern in his patients. Outside of his surgeon's robes and outside the Rivertide hospitals, he's quite aloof and charismatic. Some who know him end up only knowing one side of him- and getting to meet and experience both is a rare experience. He's tall and has his blackish-toned hair to his shoulders- or just a bit above if he's had a haircut- with a blue lock covering his face in the middle. His body is well toned and light-skinned, and his eyes are a shining yellow. Or at least- they are now. Argyle is fused with the Nera of a Mega Alakazam, combined with a mutation crystal to allow some of the older traits from the Abra in its evolution line. In the middle of his forehead is the red gem, and on the top of his head are two prong-like horns. His tail is like an Abra, quite thin and short. Nevertheless, most of the time Argyle wears a suppressor. While it's not strong enough to conceal all of the features he has from his fusion, he mostly appears normal though with yellow eyes. He can use his psychic powers freely and actively does so during procedures.


◈ Attractive || Charismatic || Caring || Stern || Well-meaning || Tactless ◈

Theme: WE MADE PLANS AND GOD LAUGHED - Beauty School Dropout

One of Rivertide's best surgeons and cybernetic engineers, Argyle Simons prides himself on his skillful hands. That is, when doing certain procedures- such as connecting a Core system to a child's nervous system or installing hardware that has direct contact with some of the patient's organs. While he doesn't always prefer to work in groups, he has plenty of assistants that follow him around for both his skill and his looks. Nevertheless, he never strays away from the patient's best interests, making sure they get the care they need regardless of status, origin, or financial difficulties. The potential unfair advantage of the wealthy when it comes to medical procedures and health care is one of the things he cannot stand for, and even goes as far as covering some surgeries himself if the patient isn't able to afford it but is in need of it.

Because of this, he's quite infamous in the medical scene, leading him to try and distance himself when it comes to his actual spare time. This often brings him to the ports of Rivertide to enjoy some of the festivals held year-round. Sometimes he'll end up coming along bars and while he's not the sort to share the night, he's not averse to the looks and the glances his looks get him either.

- Argyle tends to let people call him 'Argy' or 'Gyle' if they're close to him.
- He tinkers here and there with some of the suppressors, trying to see if he can make them feel less 'tight'.
- His favourite procedure is installing the Core system, as he compares it to bringing someone into 'their world' and letting them experience life properly.

25 June 2023, 16:43:13 CDT