T-227: Pidgey

Owned by wrigglingwyvern
Image #2289
Perm-Fused (Trainer) (Inteleon)
Dragon (Element) ([Elemental Nera])
Uploaded: 1 year and 7 months ago
Last Edited: 1 year and 7 months ago
No additional notes given.

Name: Micaela "Pidgey" Stenbrud
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Height: 4'10"
System: Hacked

Perm fused: Delta Dragon Inteleon
Additional: Opal Nera

Physical Appearance: A short woman with long, lank black hair that hangs in front of a too-pale face. Wide, wild eyes set deep in sleepless sockets that flit this way and that, thick brows and a roman nose. Pidgey lacks a suppressor; she has clawed hands and digitigrade, lizard-like legs, and a long, thin tail. Her throat is a near pearlescent blue, and the hue continues down her back, leaving streaks of dark marks in the opal, which also wraps around her thighs part-way. This dark mark covers her torso, with skin showing at her inner upper arm and inner wrist, with a band on her elbow and along the back of her arms. Normally, she wears a pair of ill-fitting, torn pants, a loose tank-top, a belt that loops over her tail, and a bandana. Her feet are wrapped in cloth and rope, and she has knee-pads, for scuffling through the dirt.

Partner Pokemon:

History: Micaela grew up in the lower rungs of Brookfell as, largely, a latch-key kid, as she was one of six, and somewhere in the middle. Her parents had too many to keep track of beyond headcounts in the morning and at night, and making sure they ate was, in and of itself, a full-time job. She started running with a gang of ne'er-do-wells in her early teens, and, when they conducted business in the mines, she was often the lookout, earning her the nickname "Pidgey"- as in, Pidgey in the Coal Mine. Not only did she have a knack for keeping watch, but she never seemed to get lost, and she had a real love of seeking out the older tunnels, despite the lack of upkeep.

In later years, this habit of going deeper lead to her being able to guide her fellow gang members to more isolated locales, and, eventually, they set up a home deep within- which proved an unfortunate thing when the Nera and Nothing happened to roll in. Deep in the depths, they were particularly vulnerable, as, despite the sectioning, they lacked the anti-fog measures. Shadow pokemon emerged and attacked, and she and her people were forced to flee into the tunnels. They became separated, and, protect the few with her, Pidgey collapsed the tunnel behind them. When the assault finally abated, her friends were gone, and she had become something of a husk of herself, an angry, territorial figure who shied away from other humans. These days, she very rarely comes near the 'surface', favoring the depths.

17 April 2023, 15:01:57 CDT