Cynic Badge

T-239: Jackal

Owned by EtherealEnds
Image #2452
Uploaded: 1 year and 5 months ago
Last Edited: 1 year and 5 months ago
No additional notes given.

Name: Jackal
Gender: Male
Age: 26 Years
Height: 5'6"
System: Damaged

Infused: N/A
Perm fuse: Cofagrigus
Additional: N/A

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History: Born to a corrupt underground doctor and a notorious netrunner in Thunderdale, Jackal never had even a fraction of a normal childhood. His mother tended to be absent on multiple jobs, and his father took to teaching Jackal his craft. While he did learn some medical knowledge, most of it was incorrect, making Jackal an awful choice to ever ask for medical help. Rather, Jackal excelled in poison making; as he grew up, he got more and more involved with the criminal organizations in Thunderdale. He would deal with any that found interest in his work, his only loyalty being to himself. However, as more grew to know his work, Jackal ended up on the wrong side of the organizations he had worked for. The amount of attempts on his life didn't seem to make him change career paths, but it did end with a damaged TD. Jackal grew more cautious, though he definitely didn't stop his work, even branching out to illegally selling Neras as he traveled between cities. Jackal himself haphazardly consumed a Cofagrigus Nera, stating that it was "for science."

1 October 2023, 00:14:37 CDT