T-245: Finn

Owned by EtherealEnds
Image #2553
Uploaded: 1 year and 2 months ago
Last Edited: 1 year and 2 months ago
No additional notes given.

Name: Finn
Gender: Male
Age: 22 Years
Height: 6'0"
System: Off-grid

Infused: N/A
Perm fuse: Charizard
Additional: Rock

Partner Pokemon:

Being the oldest of six children with only his mother to look after them, Finn never had an easy life. Living in the lower rings of Brookfell didn't make it any easier, but at the very least, it was a tight knit family. Their mother did what she could to provide for her kids, though she spoke very little of their father. All Finn had gathered was that the rampant crime in Brookfell was the reason he never had a father. As he picked up a knack for theft, Finn caught the eye of a group of troublesome youths. He agreed to join, taking to stealing precious stones, such as evolutionary stones. Finn would frequently bring money back to his family. His mother tried her best to convince him that he was getting into a much darker world, but all Finn could see was that he was doing what it took to survive. He offered his skills to the group until its tragic end, when he had been hanging out at their base in the mines. With the Nera crisis and the emergence of Shadow Pokemon, the group was ill-equipped. Lacking anti-fog measures ended up being their downfall. When the tunnels had collapsed, Finn got separated from the rest of the group. Desperate to find a way out, he fled, promising that he would come looking for people he had called friends. At the time, he didn't know how impossible that promise would be to keep. Once he found his way out of the tunnels after several days of traversing them, Finn got into another area of crime that paid decently enough. Underground fighting paid him well enough, and he started making a name for himself as he improved his abilities. This caught the attention of those from The Spill, and Finn was held prisoner there, fighting under their jurisdiction. He had no choice but to keep winning, as several of his fights were to the death. Finn eventually managed to escape, but this came with a great cost. The Spill made absolutely sure he had no family or home to go back to. Escaping to Thunderdale, Finn knew they would always be watching him. After all, the notoriety he had gained in the fighting ring had permanently made him a target.

16 October 2023, 22:52:14 CDT