T-250: Lauren

Owned by konekoangel
Image #2559
Uploaded: 6 months and 2 days ago
Last Edited: 6 months and 2 days ago
No additional notes given.

Name: Lauren
Gender: Female
Age: 62
Height: 5'2"
System: Stable

Perm fuse: Sunflora

Partner Pokemon: Sprout (???/???)

Physical Description: Lauren is an older lady who is heavier set in build. She stands 5'2", usually wearing a work shirt or t-shirt under overalls and a sturdy pair of boots. A set of gardening tools aren't far away usually, and she's almost always seen with a smile on her face and eyes closed, much like the Sunflora she was fused with. She keeps her shoulder-length hair in a bun, and since she normally doesn't bother to suppress it, she's seen with green hair with yellow petals mixed in. A long faded scar across her eyes hints at an accident some time ago, and when she does open her eyes, they are a pair of moderately expensive prosthetics with an ice blue colored 'iris'. Her ears are modified to resemble elf ears - something she did when in her college days for fun.

History: Lauren was born and raised in Maplebrush village, living her life quietly alongside her family and helping around the farm where she could from the time she could walk. Even from such a young age, she had a knack for plant life, bringing back even the weakest plant from the brink through tender loving care and patience. It was this gentleness that tended to draw in grass-type Pokemon, and as she grew up, she ended up befriending a little Sunkern she named Sprout. They were inseparable, even when Lauren went to college, and she had a thought that Sprout and Fitz' partner Pokemon, Scout, had conspired to get them together.

They married in their twenties, and lived happily together on Fitz' family farm for years before an accident happened, leaving Lauren blind. She didn't mind though, as long as their Pokemon, their children, and her husband were safe. They eventually were able to afford prosthetic eyes for her, but she tended to keep them shut, as they frightened her youngest children. Even still, the prosthetics worked well, and connected with her LD and TDs to make sure she didn't hurt herself by running into anything.

When the explosion happened, she worked with her family to set up beacons around their property, trying to safeguard all the Pokemon under their care. The fusing properties led to their family home becoming crowded as they had to catch each fused Pokemon. She didn't mind though - she quite enjoyed the company!

22 December 2023, 04:55:38 CST