Claim (#8856) Approved

2 December 2024, 02:15:44 CST (3 months ago)
2 December 2024, 04:30:18 CST (3 months ago) by Pirate


Submitting a claim to inquire about things as I would prefer not to post publicly or go to the discord just yet, but I checked the site on a whim as I sometimes tend to do every once in a long while. When I saw the winter update and how legendary nera can apparently be applied to trainers now, I was confused and thought that the whole reason for that having been stated as impossible was because human bodies were too weak to handle the power that comes with legendary nera infusion. Was there a reason all along that was never hinted at for sake of storytelling, leading to a lack of ease of any frustrations, or was there a simple change of mind? There was clearly something special about the Cynic leader, given they were fused with a moltres, but how is it that every trainer now seemingly has access to said super special something? Is all it takes the nera, or more beyond just that, should logic of power withstanding still be followed?


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