Claim (#8864) Approved

2 December 2024, 13:13:48 CST (3 months ago)
3 December 2024, 17:28:38 CST (3 months ago) by Pirate


(Linking the previous claim so it's known what I'm responding to.)

Unfortunately for me, the frustrations and bitterness were... quite a lot. I loved the ARPG a lot and truly enjoyed it, with nothing really having felt the same since I departed. I understood the ruling back then and, while sad, I was able to live with it since it was a rule I understood/thought to be over-arching, where nobody was an exception. So when the NPC came out as such with virtually no hinting that things could change in the future for the ruling (for the typical legendaries and humans), along with how, at that time, things wouldn't change for normal trainers, it really did hurt me as my main trainer at that time-- Alice, who has been with me since the days gen4 released-- was one I was really intent on fusing with a Darkrai so she could be more close to how her original iteration was. The bitterness/resentment I felt, coupled with my line of pessimistic thinking, had my brain telling me things that may or may not necessarily be true. It had me thinking that, since NPCs were characters of the staff in essence, it was a sorta "mary sue" situation, like it was an "all for me and none for thee" situation when in reality, it very much so may not be that way. Unfortunately, the bitterness quickly turned to a bigger anger, and that's when I quit-- all because my mind found it that unfair that the staff could create such special characters as such without providing proper reasoning or hints as to why the character(s) were as they were. I was left with nothing to go off of, so my mind could only assume and theorize to fill the gaps, and that's how things took a turn with me. I never properly voiced this all/my concerns previously at that time because I had a bigger fear of authority back then, and I did not wish to risk being banned for something that could potentially be taken as a grave enough offense.

That all aside, it at least feels a bit nice knowing that trainers can finally be allowed access to legendary fusion if the effort is put in. That the ruling was changed, and normal users can access what was once said to be a thing that would not happen.

Unfortunately, due to the closer emotional connection I had to the group and just HOW much things hurt me back then, in present times, if I remember the name of RR, there's still a level of bitterness and sadness that wells up. It's much less compared to how it was before as I've given myself time to recover and seek out new pokemon ARPG experiences to try and have as much fun in as I did with RR, but unfortunately it's still there. With this change the news has brought, I've been left a bit more... unsure. Like I need the time to process it with my emotions to see if I'd like to return at some point, or if the emotional hurt was too much with me not being able to move on as much as I'd like. What I do know for certain though is that there's at least a level of happiness I feel for those that stuck around, finally being able to access what I couldn't all that time ago.
All I just need now is time to figure out how I feel, and should I still be welcomed back after everything for when that time I decide whether to come back or not comes, if I choose to return, I likely will with a new and different trainer as to move on from the past.


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