FLM - Working for Two

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How did Nori end up here again? Don't ask him. He quite literally doesn't know. He was shoving and pulling planks, and bars, and tools across for the people who were more accustomed to the heavier equipment. Even with all the augments and enhancements he's had, Nori was still weaker in physical labor than others. It didn't stop him, however, from doing his best. Mainly so out of appearance sake. The thought of the aches and pains after, though... why did he go for cybernatics with nerves again?

He'd been taking a break for a bit, scrolling some news feed on his TD. Only recently did he have his system reset, and henceforth hacked again, so he was trying to ensure that all ties remained intact in his absence. Some clients had already reached out once they had heard and it took him quite a bit of convincing that he was still up for the jobs. Thankfully, he had shelter in Diana's clubs. She was kind in that regard, but he knew she also expected a discount on his services for it.

With a sigh he looked past him, to the small noibat on the ground that was struggling to lift off while holding a metal bar. Vael had been neglected, so Nori had brought him along this time around, but the noibat was hardly of any use. It tried, at least. He couldn't fault the determination. Slapping his hands on his thighs Nori stood to get to work himself, turning around and picking up all the planks and plans he had put beside him.

Vael wasn't much use even so. He was dropping the pieces more than actually lifting them up. Nori watched him struggle for a moment before continuing with his own task- and then eventually just picking it up FOR the noibat instead. That went on for quite some time until Nori found himself with double the materials he even needed. Confused, he looked and then decided to watch the noibat. Vael casually flew from him, over to find some more stuff, only to go and pickpocket someone else's materials. He stood there flabbergasted as the noibat then flew back to him, smiling as it placed more cloths on top of his already big pile in his arms.

"Are you just taking things from other people."

He commented seriously, and Vael responded with a gleefull noise. He supposed it was too much to expect the Noibat to understand, even though it surely should have by now.

"These are for other people. They build with these. We have our own."

Putting them down on the ground, he gestured towards the cloth- even holding one up and pointing directly at it.

"These aren't. So go bring them back."

Vael listened and nodded, taking the cloth back and floating back... ooonly to return again. Nori's hand moved to rub over his face, contemplating at that moment exactly what the pokemon understood.

"No, not back to me. To where you got them from."

Technically, he did get them from Nori this time around, but he wasn't going to play a pedantic game with a pokemon. With a heavy sigh Nori turned around and started putting the tools and objects in the correct piles, figuring out which ones he was supposed to have and which ones he wasn't. It didn't take too long to finish his own and then go around to return the tools that Vael had, well, stolen. The pokemon didn't even bother flying eventually- and just sat on his shoulder instead. Carrying all that equipment wore the poor thing out- Nori just knew it. Well, he wasn't going to force it to do anything more than it could handle. Not that it was any help either.

After the day of hard work, Nori and Vael sat side by side watching the sunset over Brookfell. The fog would get pushed in soon, he thought, but still made no effort to move. All the physical exercize had him beat- and he felt far from able to rush back home to one of the clubs. He had to get Karesh out, his other pokemon, to take him back home. The noivern fusion stood patiently to wait for him and when Nori did finally stand up, moved closer to him.

"Yes, yes. We're going."

Nori sighed, practically bonking his head against Karesh's shoulder. He was well and truly beat. Eventually he managed to worm himself on top of the fusion, settling comfy and holding on as Karesh started the journey home.

FLM - Working for Two
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In Missions and Explorations ・ By Kelyias

Nori finds himself working in the Deadlands. Again. God does he hate that place by now.



Quakes have been stirring up The Deadlands. With all of the debris and crumbling structures someone or some pokemon could get hurt. [Draw or Write about your trainer trying to assist with cleaning up after the quakes or helping to secure structures to prevent future injuries. Be warned! The noise may disturb wild pokemon - and they say a large pokemon has recently made the ruckus and ruin it's new home.] - Suggested by Rowan


WC: 758 / 750

Submitted By Kelyias for The OutskirtsLocation: The Deadlands
Submitted: 1 year and 6 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 6 months ago

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