Talented Arts | Sketching a Cook
Is your Trainer gifted in the musical arts? Do they play instruments or possibly sing on stage? Maybe they're a Dancer or prefer the quieter forms of art - drawing or painting perhaps? Show your Trainer doing a creative job!
Word Count: 2009
The world was always changing. Fog appeared, Nera appeared, people migrated from all of ReignsRest into just a few of the large cities- things were never quite the same. Sadly that also included people's taste buds. The food industry was ever changing to try and follow new trends that would pop up, and with it John was having to try and keep up. It felt like he was always playing a game of catch up to try and figure out what it was the people wanted and what it was he should serve in his restaurants- he always needed at least one item revolving on the menu to match the newest trends and that is what he was trying to figure out now.
"Come on, this didn't look that fucking hard?" he growled as he stared at a burnt pan on the stovetop with increasing frustration. "Que? Was this your doing?? I swear I only looked away for a second you darned mobile fire starter." John sounded agitated and annoyed, but even if he sounded upset he wasn't really mad at the little fire anorith. They sat on the countertop beside the burnt pan, the flames on their back burning away and chittering at him quite happily. John glared. "This was gonna be the newest recipe, I almost had it this time I swear."
How many years of culinary school did he go to? How much formal training and informal had he received? Just how many years, of pure hard work and practice did he have. It didn't matter whatever the answer was, because Que burnt whatever he made into ash. "Even Jack isn't this bad, Que. Jack! Jack where are you!" He turned to look around the room. Noir was home, they were sitting a small ways away but John didn't focus on him. No, he was looking for a little fire Buddew whom he finally spotted in the corner. "Ah. There you are."
Jack was, so sweet. He never burnt any of John's cooking and quickly he picked up Que with a pair of oven mitts to bring them next to Jack and set them side by side. The two fire hazards of his house looked perfect next to one another. "Now you just stay there, together, don't let him out of your sight. Jack." He hoped that the pokemon would stay over there.
Supposedly with them safe and sound he went back over to the counter to once again begin to remeasure all the ingredients. He'd spent hours before on this recipe, and now it was time to try and start all over once more. He could get it though, his whole life had been dedicated to making the most delicious foods that anyone has ever seen! As long as nothing got in his way he would be able to finish this dish as well to be served to the public.
Ever since everything that had happened, well, happened, Noir had been spending a lot more time at home which was both a blessing and a curse. He hated not working, even in this wacky ass world they lived in but spending time with his husband and their gaggle of bastardous pokemon was definitely always a joy. He sat on a couch right by the kitchen's bar with Noi sleeping on his shoulder and Bjonk curled up on his lap, thumb in her mouth and passed out with the remaining crumbs of a snack John had provided her stuck to her face. Cumulus was sleeping on Noirs side, ever loyally listening out for his Owner's episodes and ready to jump into action even as he slept. He eyed Tink waddling into the kitchen to beg for a taste of whatever John was preparing no matter what it was and adjusted his position as little as he could to get comfortable without disturbing his pokemon. Reaper was in a sun beam near the porch door, the bright light shining through the glass and illuminating the entire room with lovely natural lighting. He heard John's commotion in the kitchen and couldn't help a smile as he looked over at the love of his life getting frustrated over some failed recipe in the kitchen. Pencil tapping on his sketchbook as he listened to his voice and the smell of something charred and burnt wafted through the kitchen and over to where Noir was sitting and he supressed a laugh less he discourage the houndstone fused man more then he might already be. His sketchbook page was full of vague shapes and circles obviously erased out by his cheap pencils and a vaguely humanoid face was reflected on one of them. Drawing had been another hobby Noir had slowly tried to pick up over the years but kept putting down due to his busy schedules. This book was older then Honey and yet he wasn't even halfway through it and somehow most of it was still the man before him. He was determined to add more to it then horribly disfigured looking figures with too long limbs or wierd faces. He was focusing hard on John's face as he added details, one tiny pencil stroke at a time.
Bjonk stirred and grumbled at the smell of burnt food, waving her hand until Noir pulled a nearby blanket on the couch over to her and she covered her body and face with it. A few more pencil strokes as he struggled to catch John's determined, serious face on paper. With a heavy sigh he scrubbled over it as he realized it looked nothing liked him and with a quiet shuffling sound he flipped to the next page, and started again. Focusing on the angles, the way his soft fluffy hair framed his face, his strong jaw line- He snapped back to the drawing and the basic shapes he had sketched out but John was now turned from him, presumably to remeasure ingredients and he frowned and leaned back to see him better. "Everything going well in there, my soul?" He mused, hoping to have the man face him once more to get a few more details in and slap down another basic sketch. Cumulus twitched an oversized ear at the sound of Noir's face and Noir could barely see the tip of Tink's 'hat' over the breakfast bar, presumably begging for burnt scraps or something tasty. He heard her chittering and smiled softly. "What are you trying to make again? Some form of stew or?
Everything going well in here. Was everything going well in here Noir asked! Could he not smell the smoke? Could he not see how it's burnt darkness loomed over them like a shadow of failure? He grouched a little at the question and as they asked if it was a stew he felt down right offended. "A stew." John could only vaguely manage to repeat the words. "My love, please. A stew wouldn't cause me pain and misery like this. It wouldn't want to make me claw out my eyes so that I don't have to look at this recipe again! No no. It's called a Baumkuchen my sweet."
Noir sighed contently as the man started talking again. He loved his voice so much, a deep grumbling boom and he just purred contently at the way the man started with the pet names and his explanation. "Ahh, I see." He mused, tapping his pencil on his paper. He didn't even bother to reconstruct the word that had just come out of John's mouth but his delight at knowing he had started this man on a rant was evident, he was sure.
As John crumbled and shot him a look and he tilted his head a little at the man and nodded as though he was understanding his explanation and the intensity this definitely required. He quickly scratched more lines onto the aged paper, catching the intensity in the man's eyes and the strong angles of his face while mainly keeping his eyes on his husband for reference. He loved how serious he got about his cooking, or really any hobby or art this man put his hands into. "If it's this complex, is it feasible to serve it at a restaurant, my love?" He inquired, not accusing but just genuinely curious and hoping to have the man's gaze on him once more. It was for the art sure, but it also just made him feel so safe. He had been focusing too hard on John to notice that Que had ran off. Bjonk curled further into Noir's lap as Noi scuttled under the blanket to join her and Cumulus stretched his whole fluffy body, legs fully out before he flopped to the side to also look at John with his trainer, as though he was curious too and his tail wagged lightly. Tink grumpily hopped back over to jump up beside Noir at the lack of edible treats in the kitchen currently and leaned on him, glancing at his paper with a curious honk. He put down his pencil to rub her head and earned a delighted titter for it before he grabbed it once more and glanced down on his paper. It was... Good. It was better then the others he had tried. The intensity of John's face was fairly evident and to anyone that didn't know John the expression might've been considered scary, but to know it was over a cake? Priceless.
He leaned back on the couch and once he caught the tone of John's voice he assumed some other tragedy had taken place. "That Anorith run off again? You should tie a balloon or something to him with some soft wire~" He chuckled as he refined the sketch more before contently smiling at it. It looked better then his usual. "Or something, with the trouble he gets in."
Submitted By AveryFish
for Occupation Missions
Submitted: 1 year and 10 months ago ・
Last Updated: 1 year and 10 months ago