TALENTED ARTS | Looming Horror
In Missions and Explorations ・
By AveryFish
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Is your Trainer gifted in the musical arts? Do they play instruments or possibly sing on stage? Maybe they're a Dancer or prefer the quieter forms of art - drawing or painting perhaps? Show your Trainer doing a creative job!
Word Count: 935
In this case, they were invited to come and try out some foods at one of Brookfell's restaurants, give their review, and allow the owner to use photo's of their time there for promotional purposes. All things which the pairing had gladly obliged in. They'd heard about the restaurant before. Despite being in Brookfell it was considered to be a rather fancy place, serving mostly those from the upper regions before passing out whatever was leftover to those in the lower area's. Honestly it was something that Emilio had always approved of so he went there with a hoard of pokemon following suit. Ontop of doing good for those less fortunate, the restaurant was always welcoming to pokemon. It would even offer them treats if they visited so Emilio and Xavier had brought some of their smaller ones with them. All chittering and squeaking happily in pursuit of their trainers- only one making sounds that were far more sinister.
"I bet you didn't expect to see him." Emilio purred towards Xavier as the man sat in a seat by the window. The light was shining through and Emilio could see how it reflected in his hair, revealing that purple shimmer that it so often had. "I always thought that he didn't particularly like us, but what do you know~ He hired us~" the shutter of the camera went off as photos were taken. Xavier always was a wonderful model to work with~ Even doing something like simply eating food they seemed to be able to do so with an elegance and grace! Perhaps a trait from growing up that rich city life? Wherever it came from though, they were perfect~ Everything in this shot would be perfect. Even if the surroundings were... less so. Blossom, Lillypad, Poltergeist, and even Alias surprisingly enough were all behaving well- but one thing was looming over the photoshoot. Making Emilio's job harder and Xavier's all the easier.
Xavier looked quite amused by the conversations as prodded a rather over the top dessert with his fork. Emilio always talked to him during these shoots, usually in an attempt to cheer him up so that his smile would be more genuine for the camera. The better his smile was the better the photos would turn out, and the better the photos turned out the better their pay would be. Somehow though, Xavier got the distinct feeling that Emilio wasn't making conversation simply to make him smile. He still smiled anyways though as he found this whole thing to be very funny.
A total of five pokemon had followed them to this photoshoot, two of them belonged to Xavier while three of them were Emilio's- and all of them with a singular exception were staring at Emilio in concern. Blossom was flitting around his trainer with small coo's while Lillypad sat at his feet staring up worriedly. Then there was Alias, who rather than concerned was laughing at him. Those were the three pokemon of Emilio's. Out of Xavier's the small ghost Pancham had joined them and they sat with wide eyes. Their paws were on Emilio's pant and gently tugged in concern but the freckled lad merely shot him a semi-comforting smile. On Emilio's back, letting out the most eerie and eldritch sounds that would make grown men cry was Zuxh. A Dark Staryu who was most definitely a part of Emilio's nightmares and the pokemon that was making their job all the more difficult.
"Xavier are you even listening to me?" Emilio asked now as Xavier watched them all affectionately. "I love your expression right now, but you can still talk to me too!" Again the camera's clicked.
Another small laugh bubbled within Xavier's chest as he leaned back in his chair. "I am~ I'm listening to you. I don't think I should talk though, we're in the middle of work. I'm supposed to be professional~"
Emilio scowled at that. The tentacles of Zux wormed their way around his chest to hug him tighter and he nearly fumbled with the camera at it. He hated this pokemon- it creeped him out so to have it on his back and wriggling around caused him to momentarily forget what he was here to do. The camera began to fall and with it Made all the other pokemon gasp. Lillypad reached up to try and grab the semi-falling camera while Alias watched in glee. Poltergeist merely squeaked but Blossom was the one who caught it. Everyone was in a small commotion over the nearly broken tool but Emilio quickly recovered.
"Thank you Blossom..." He said quietly as he took the device from the fairy misdreavus before seeing how Xavier's expression turned smug.
"I don't think it's me right now we should be worried about~ I'm doing my job perfectly. I look gorgeous right now~ You're the one having a hard time."
If it wasn't for the fact that he Xavier was framed so perfectly in the window seat Emilio would have thrown something at him. Instead, all he could do was sigh and lift the camera up once more to take a few more photo's before they'd switch out the dessert for another.
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Submitted By AveryFish
for Occupation Missions
Submitted: 1 year and 11 months ago ・
Last Updated: 1 year and 11 months ago
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