Embroidery of friendship
Rayan carefully pulls the embroidery thread through the fabric attempting to keep his large hands steady as he works on his tiny project. Azura sits in the corner napping with Vanir sitting on her chest, him snoring loudly, and Azura not even being close to roused. Rayan tries his best to tune out the snoring as he continues to stitch, a small image of Cubi slowly appearing, though rather lumpy and a little uneven, he occasionally backtracks to make sure its as close to even as he can make. His large hands making it difficult to see, but he does his best regardless. Very slowly over the hours more and more Pokémon show up in the small embroidery, first Coffee, then Pod, then Crios, then Cherry, then Vanir, then Kshipa, then Howl, then Kit, and the last Pokémon being Chomp. These are not the last to be added to his project though, as he slowly stitches himself and Azura in the back with plants and flowers around them all. Amaryllis, Bluebells, Hibiscus, Iris, Angelicas, Purple Columbines, Ferns, Arborvitae, Chamomile, Spring Crocus, Daisies, Edelweiss, Goldenrods, Hollies, Ivy, Yellow Jasmines, Larkspurs, Yellow Lilies, Magnolias, Marjoram, Morning Glories, one by one he carefully adds them, careful of their meanings, filling up the small piece of fabric as he works and works. Cubi occasionally flitting in and out of the room, always micromanaging and making sure no one is ruining her plants. Pod napping in a plant plot while coffee sits on him and preens her feathers and fur. Crios got into paint again and torments Chomp through lots of paint they cant eat going all over their shell. Cherry sits in the corner eating a fern while Kshipa stares them down. Howl is also napping under a table. But Rayan is blissfully unaware of all of this chaos, his mind only on his project, a new hobby to take up, and a gift for all his trouble makers. He’s stabbed his fingers many times, his lines are uneven and lumpy, his colors are off, and the faces look like Dittos, but with every stitch he is more and more proud, because no one else but him made this, and he is making it for some of his favorite people and Pokémon. Each stitch filled with affection and love towards all eleven of them. As he finishes up his last stitch he folds up the fabric around the wooden circle and glues a felt circle on the back to cover up the stitches in the back, and uses red embroidery thread to make a small loop to hang the piece with. Then he gets up from his chair and stretches, before going and cutting a coral colored rose, taking a small label explaining the meaning “Friendship”, and tying a pretty ribbon around the stem. He then walks back into the room and gently places the flower and the gift on the table next to the still sleeping Azura before heading off to make dinner for everyone.
Submitted By PrinnyTheTired
for Level UP
・ Location: Grovehart
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Submitted: 1 year and 11 months ago ・
Last Updated: 1 year and 11 months ago