Beep Boop

In Rank-Up ・ By Faust
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Xavier leaned back on the cushioned chair as he stared at his multitude of monitors with his eyebrows furrowed for a few moments, chewing on his lip before sighing heavily and pinching his brow, then dragging the hand down his face dramatically. Another editor of his vlogs had quit due to personal issues. The issue with the fog was affecting everyone and while Xavier paid well, he knew editing took a long time and wasn't easy, relaxed work. At this point, he figured he just needs to try to do it himself and that's what he was here trying to do. He had a little informational video on one screen, a wordpad of notes on the other and he was doing his best to keep up as he slowly picked across a bit of spare footage he had taken for a scrapped video idea. The machine he was trying to build didn't work out, it didn't do what it was meant too, so he had scrapped the idea and video all together but it made great test footage. He groaned as he slouched back forward, tapping away at the keyboard and reset all the changes he had made, re-opened the footage and got to trying again.

Emilio was out for the day at some photography convention of sorts and Xavier had chosen to stay home and watch the pokemon. Frog was sleeping contently partially under his desk and Xavier had his feet propped up on the large venusaur who had a vine loosley wrapped around his leg in a rare display of contentment with his trainer's presence. He yawned and took a swig of his energy drink - Boltund Brew - and only minorly grimaced at the taste as he went back to fucking with the video footage. He was slowly understanding it, it had taken nearly 3 days but he was getting much further then he managed before. He had video effects, music edited in, cut aways even on some of his tests, but now it was just combining those and hoping for the best. Zux was inside of his hoodie with Poltergeist sleeping contently on the man and he glanced over to see Doctor on his bed. All of his pokemon stuck to him like glue and he was content with it, he appreciated the company. He stroked Poltergeist's head and the pancham crooned happily and snuggled into him and Doctor chirped at the sounds, tilting his head at Xavier who just reached over to stroke his beak. They where all great stress relief, even Frog in this occasion! He shifted to a more comfortable position in his chair and got to editing again with the tutorial video droning in his brain. He let himself sink into the comfort that the monotony of the process provided even if it was difficult. He kept rewinding, undoing, re-trying and playing the clips again and again until his brain wasn't sure if it was even his voice anymore before finally leaning back with a large stretch, feeling how Zux's tendrils reached out to plap against his face in a sign of curiousity about what his trainer was doing. Xavier gently grabbed it and let it twirl around his finger as he used his free hand to tap the play button. As it played, he smiled slowly beaming as while it wasn't his old editors quality, it was good enough to pass on his channel without much questioning. He hummed happily as he saved the copy to reflect on later and cracked open an actual video he planned to post, something telling him this one would be much easier.

Beep Boop
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In Rank-Up ・ By Faust
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Submitted By Faust for Level UPLocation: Grovehart
Submitted: 1 year and 6 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 6 months ago

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[Beep Boop by Faust (Literature)](
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