Rivalry Riot | In the Deadlands

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Cynic is up to something, and Ethos look like they're mobilising to take them on. The authorities are looking for any information on any illegal activities that might lead us to Team Cynic members, and are maybe looking to bring down any Ethos vigilantes who get carried away...
Word Count: 1067

Furi honestly could not believe it. He had struggled to believe it at the time that he first learned it and he struggled even now to accept the fact. Charm, his boyfriend, the love of his life and the most bastardly person he knew was infact a criminal. It always gave him trouble, he couldn't just... hand him over to the police- this was Charm. His Prince Charming he was talking about but he also couldn't just leave this man out there to do crime which he most definitely was doing. 
Ever since he learned of their... profession, per say. Their allegiances to what he only could assume was Cynic based on how this man cared almost nothing for pokemon he'd grown especially aware of how their adrenaline would rise when they were in the middle of something. Their heart was going wild and Furi just knew that they were in the middle of some horrendous deed. Pulling them up on his map he could see that they were off in the middle of the deadlands. What was he doing out there.... His mind instinctively said he was out burying a body in the ruins but he tried to shake off the feeling. He'd give them one warning. One chance to come clean. 
"Charm, What are you doing? :)"
A single text was all he would get. If he abandoned his task to come home right away he might leave it be, but Furi already knew that it wasn't going to happen.  He was going to come up with an excuse and try to pretend he wasn't doing something horrific.  It was all bullshit. 
He didn't even get a reply before he started to move. Poffi was coming with him, the Meowscor being as jolly as could be as they followed after their brightly colored owner. He did debate on bringing one of his other babies, but ultimately he just grabbed a hoverboard and used that to hurry himself towards the Deadlands. His phone dinged when he was about five minutes out and as the message was pulled out his lips curled up into a snarl. 
"Oh, yknow, my general tomfoolery :)"
There was more but that was all that Furi needed. He was going to get this man's ass and drag him back home. Their location wasn't changing on the map and soon the colorful man could see it in the distance 
"Are you ready Poffi?" Furi asked quietly under his breath. It looked to be a ruined structure-  something that wasn't entirely uncommon to be found here in the deadlands. Everything was ruined and with the quakes recently things were ruined even more than usual. "You go through to the window, I'm going to go knock on the door."
The purple pokemon gave a quick salute at him before they hurriedly went towards the only window that wasn't barred by wooden nails, standing just outside of it where he assumed no one could see while Furi himself went to 'knock' on the door.  His knock being less so a knock and more so Furi kicking the door down. "CHARM! COME ON OUT--" He called out their name loudly. A smell instantly hit his nose that was horrendous. It smelled like death but he couldn't see exactly what was inside because his loud announcing call was cut off short. 
Charm, as it so happened, tackled him before he might be able to see the crime at hand. "Furi~ I know you missed me but couldn't you have waited till I was home?" He asked with a low purr as they both rolled across the sandy ground. 
"Fuck you" Furi hissed back. Charm did try to give him a kiss, but instead of a kiss he was met only with a rather hard bite. "POFFI!!!! POFFI HE'S OVER HERE!" He wouldn't be swayed by their charming voice nor by how sweet their kiss might be- he was too mad at them. 
"...Poffi?" Charm almost questioned why he was calling for the large pokemon when he saw them out of the corner of their eye. A purple flash and with a small yelp the bastard criminal tried to scramble away. They got off of the man they had pinned down moments ago and turned to run. Something Furi watched in smug arrogance. Good. That was right you bastard. Get the hell out of here. Poffi barreled past Furi and was on the hunt, they wouldn't give up until they had managed to catch the man so while they focused on that Furi focused on the building. 
The stench had wafted out more and Furi covered his nose briefly. He didn't know exactly what was happening in there, but whatever it was it wasn't going to be good and quietly he pulled out his phone to call the authorities. He wouldn't hand charm over, but that sure as hell didn't mean he wouldn't do something about the crime he had been trying to commit. 
"Hey... It's Furiosa- I was out hoverboarding in the Deadlands when I came across this old building. It smells horrible inside, I think someone's dead."
He stared at the slightly skewed door, wondering if he should go in or if he would rather be oblivious. The lady on the other end of the phone was asking him if he had anymore details and for a moment he debated on going in to see the specifics but quickly he decided against it. No. Whatever he was doing in there Furi didn't want to know, and if Charm was stupid enough to leave any trace evidence of himself then that would be on him. Furiosa wouldn't protect him if the cops found something on their own. "No, I haven't gone in yet. I did open...er. kick down the door to try and investigate but someone came busting out and tackled me. I didn't get a good look at their face because I was too busy eating dirt..." A small lie, but he wouldn't rat out his boyfriend like this. "No I didn't give chase either, I'm not fast and by the time I got my hoverboard ready they were already gone. I don't know where they went... Listen, you can ask me all these questions when you get here. Just get someone down here, It smells like a dead body. Ill make sure nothing gets contaminated in the meantime.
Rivalry Riot | In the Deadlands
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In Missions and Explorations ・ By AveryFish
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Submitted By AveryFish for No Risk, No Reward
Submitted: 1 year and 6 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 6 months ago

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