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Some pokemon are far more adventurous than others, and when their trainer leaves for work or to take care of business they use that opportunity to make their escape and live their own lives! What do they do when given free reign of the city? Do other trainers try to capture them? Do they steal food and act like a menace? Possibilities are endless!
Word Count: 1268

Watercress could remember a time when he was small. A wee little Swinub new to the world and how exciting it had been. He could be brought along into stores, he could be brought along down the road and held in someone's arms- but then he evolved and he got a little bigger. It wasn't too bad when he was bigger. Instead of just following after his trainer he was able to finally be helpful to them! He'd been able to carry their things, help to bowl over anyone unsavory and was constantly given both the praise and admiration of his trainer. Then, he'd evolved for a final time and everything came crumbling down. 

His size was no longer helpful, he was no longer considered as cute and fluffy- his trainer who used to shower him in praise and admiration soon turned to disdain. He would try to rest his nose on their lap and get pushed away, he would try to get into a store and quickly be shoo'd back out- he caused so many problems that he'd been pushed to live almost exclusively inside his pokeball. 
It wasn't like it was bad in there, it wasn't bad it just wasn't... well. As nice. He missed chasing his trainer, and he missed the way that they would ruffle through his fur. He didn't know how long he was in there for but when he was brought out he came face to face with something he'd never seen before. Shadow-pokemon, an unsavory group who'd been attacking his beloved trainer so in turn he had attacked them. In the alteration something had infected him. His long fur turned into scales and his previously strong tusks turned more fragile and delicate. They became glass that was filled with water- and he horrified his trainer. 
They had been put off by what happened to him. A change that even Watercress couldn't understand and in the end they had given him away the first chance they could. His trainer, his most favorite being in this entire world left him at the doorstep of another. John. That's what they called themselves but honestly Watercress didn't care. He'd see them, he'd hear them- he'd sometimes look at them but it would be only for a moment before he'd stop to stare out in the distance hopefully that maybe his trainer would come back for him.
Sometimes this new person, John, would try and bring him inside. He'd talk and yammer about useless things, sometimes even come infront of him to push at his chest but he was weak in comparison. Watercress wouldn't budge from his spot and so John let him be. He became a type of guard for the entrance to his home because he didn't leave there. John would bring him food and blankets, he'd take care of his fins- and he let the Mamoswine sit beside the door.
At first it was just a couple days, a week, eventually a month. It was by the fourth month that Watercress was starting to give up hope and pay more attention to the one that now held his Pokeball. They never put him in there, instead just patting him and letting him stay outside but soon Watercress did start to follow after him. To listen to what he said and he found himself rather taken aback everytime. His old trainer had stopped praising him after his final evolution- but this new one. John. He didn't stop praising. He also consistently tried to get him to come inside but Watercress stared at the door. It was small, far too small for him but John didn't seem to care, he'd always consistently try to invite him in.
In the end, it was on a day that John was gone that Watercress wished to go inside. A sandstorm storm hit Brookfell and Watercress found it stinging his eyes. The door however, was still too small for him to get into but he wished to no longer be inside. John always thought he could get in somehow, so on this day you know what? Why would he not give it a try.
Watercress stood up briefly and approached the door. It was wooden, and the walls looked to be rather feeble. For a moment he tilted his head to nudge at it with a tusk- to test it. The door opened easily enough as it wasn't locked but only the door opened. The rest of the wall remained still which meant he surely couldn't get in. With the door opening though he saw another pokemon standing there. A Blissey something er rather- he'd never paid attention before but they seemed excited. 
He watched for a moment how she quickly bustled around, moving the other pokemon that were inside back and giving the whole area a wide berth. Everything behind this door was now clear and with it she motioned him to try and come inside. There were a lot more pokemon here than Watercress had initially anticipated and all of them stared at him with wide eyes. Slowly, he began to push at the walls surrounding the door. They didn't budge right away- infact they didn't budge at all but everyone inside was cheering for him. All of them, it seemed, thought he should just break down the wall. 
Sand and dust continued to buffet him and so with a deep breath he raised himself up onto his hind legs and smashed his hooves onto the front wall. Everything crumbled within seconds to create an opening that he could enter into. The cheers of the pokemon all grew louder within an instant- praising him excitedly which was confusing. The sand from the storm was now being blown in- but they didn't mind. Instead a swam of pokemon now wrapped around his legs and dragged him in while others began to try and put up a momentarily wall using their abilities. 
Inside was a lot more spacious than Watercress imagined, and it was cooler than outside. It was... Nice. He hadn't been inside a building in years and he took a few shuffling steps forward. Looking to the couch which he promptly went to take over. Other pokemon had been on it, but they all darted away with his approach. He was a bit doubtful if he could really sit on it, but again the pokemon around him encouraged him and so he stepped onto the piece of furniture and it cracked beneath him. 
Again, the pokemon cheered. 
By the time John came home the house was a mess and Watercress was sitting happily where the couch used to be. It was now just splintered wood and fabric, an area where the other pokemon had stolen every pillow/blanket to surround the Mamoswine. He expected for the owner of this house to be mad when they returned, but none of the others were concerned about that and when the trainer did return they simply stared. 
Watercress expected them to start yelling, but instead of yelling they began to laugh. "What's all this??" He asked loudly and his laughter filled the entire room. "You refuse for months, and then you decide to try and come in when I'm gone of all times!! At least you're comfortable though?" He walked up to watercress, running their hands across his scales with a fondness that he hadn't been aware of for years. "I have a garage door you could have come in if you'd waited for me instead of breaking down my wall, but you know what... I'm just happy to see you in here Watercress. I'm glad you're here.
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In Miscellaneous ・ By AveryFish
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Submitted By AveryFish
Submitted: 1 year and 6 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 6 months ago

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