Secret Life of Pokemon | Makeup

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Some pokemon are far more adventurous than others, and when their trainer leaves for work or to take care of business they use that opportunity to make their escape and live their own lives! What do they do when given free reign of the city? Do other trainers try to capture them? Do they steal food and act like a menace? Possibilities are endless!
Draw or write about your trainer's pokemon getting into trouble, or perhaps being a good child, while their trainer is away!
Word Count: 767

Life as a little pokemon was hard. Sometimes while you went out people wouldn't see you and you might accidentally get punted- sometimes you had to be cautious of other trainers attempting to steal you away- life was always full of risks. Bensen was one such little pokemon and he always found himself to be at the center of trouble. He was the one tasked with trying to take care of both Bubba and Pira Pira- not an easy task considering how frequently the pairing would try to get into trouble but by gods Bensen would give it his best shot!!! 
Then something would happen, and he'd regret offering to give it his best shot. 
Horror filled every inch of his being as he stared at the mess infront of him. He didn't know exactly what everything here was- he merely knew that it was something that the man whose always hanging off his trainer valued. They'd put it on their face seeming to think that it made them prettier, but Bensen thought they were always pretty so he didn't understand it. Either way though, it didn't matter anymore because everything had been ruined. Pira Pira had gotten into it.
Bensen pulled at the different fins that cascaded around his body. This was bad! This was so so so bad!! Didn't they understand this was bad! No, of course they didn't Pira Pira thought it was fun and Bubba would have encouraged them but it was bad!! he had to get this cleaned up and he had to get it cleaned up now. Bensen wasn't tall enough to reach the top of where Klaus would sit to do his makeup, but he knew he had to get up there. The thing that Klaus would always put on his lips was now smeared all across the mirror which was simply unacceptable!!!
He wished that was the worst part of this whole mess, but it really wasn't. It was merely the first thing that Bensen wished to clean and with a series of distraught squeaks he ran around. A chair, a stool! No.. no no a box- anything! Where was something he could drag over to put up there?? He wanted to scream. In the end the small chardeen found himself a small stacks of books that he piled ontop of one another to form pseudo stairs. 
It was somehow even more intimidating now that he saw it up close. How was he supposed to clean this. Maybe he could just wipe it away? Bensen reached a paw up to swipe it across the lipstick stained mirror and instead of coming off like he had hoped it merely smudged. Where once there was a clean line of red there was now a large blurry section of mirror. That wasn't what he had been hoping for!! No!! A small pathetic scream did sound from him now. 
Bensen was hopping up and down on his feet, wiping at the mirror as much as he could but every wave of his paws only served to further smudge the surface until it looked as if he had painted the entire thing in red. Helplessly he sat down. His feet splayed on either side while his tail dangled sadly behind him- his hands too rested on the wood and a very sad, upset whine came from his figure. Something that was only furthered when he looked down and saw that just like the mirror, he too was stained in red.
The lipstick that Klaus used was one that wasn't supposed to come off for quite a few hours so when he'd covered his hands in it, it had stayed and his horror grew even more. He was the only one in this room. He was the one that was sitting ontop of this.... desk. Thingy. That had a mirror. He was the one whose paw prints were all over the Mirror- it would look as if he was the one who did all of this when their trainers came back home. 
Tears began to well up in his eyes as he stared at it but he raised a hand up to wipe them away. An act which, as it turned out, only furthered the spread of the lipstick as it now stained his face as well. This was all hopeless. Bensen didn't even know why he had tried! He should have just left Bubba and Pira Pira to try and handle this mess on their own instead of getting caught up like this... Klaus was going to no doubt murder him upon finding out.
Secret Life of Pokemon | Makeup
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In Miscellaneous ・ By AveryFish

Bensens having a bad day

Submitted By AveryFish
Submitted: 1 year and 11 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 11 months ago

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