Salami Rank Up | Bribery
Salami Rank Up
Word Count: 554
Salami never cared much for pokemon. He'd be the first to admit it. They were cute, yes. Sweet, sometimes. Made for great companions too but he just never was fully able to bond with them. Despite that he had managed to get himself a nice little team who he all loved immensely. The only problem here, was that they didn't all love him the same back. Most times he didn't mind it, he was okay with the relationship that he had with them but then Klaus came into the picture.
They loved Klaus.
It was first just a small twang in his heart when he watched the purring and running all over the little pink haired salazzle but soon jealousy filled his entire being. Weren't they supposed to be his pokemon? He was the one who went out and caught them! Was it because Klaus now bought them food? He had bought them their food for 10 years even if it meant he himself would starve so that just wasn't fair.
Klaus was busy for the moment with John, leaving Salami alone and he couldn't help but stare at the swarm of pokemon who supposedly were his pokemon. "...Pira Pira?" He called out to one of them- to a little green chikamo that he caught a few months back. They didn't acknowledge his words at all. "Pira-- Come here for a moment." He pspsps'd at them for a moment but the pokemon didn't so much as turn to look at him and he felt the sting of betrayal hit him once more. His boyfriend would just have to look at the pokemon for them to come running over.
Quietly Salami turned away from the group to go towards the kitchen. He never got the hang of how exactly he was supposed to befriend pokemon, but you know what he did know? That food was the way to anyones heart. Salami would go to the ends of the earth for anyone that fed him so he quickly began to go through the fridge, through the cupboards- looking for any snack that he might be able to feed them.
In the end, Salami found small berry treats that he could feed the pokemon and with small hold of them in his pocket he moved back into the living room to sit in the chair he was in before. He was going to get them to love him, one way or another so with a deep breath he pulled out the little blue treats. "Pira-- I really think you're going to want to look over here." He called out again but still the Chikamo didn't budge. "I have treats."
Instantly her head turned towards him. See? He knew it. Food and treats. that was the way to someones heart and a smile grew across his features. "Yeah~ Treats! See! Look." He held up some of the berries. "But if you want them you're going to have to come here~"
She didn't come running instantly which was disappointing. She stared and just seemed to think but eventually her little paws did waddle to wander towards him and his heart soared at the sight. Having them come close like this even if it was only for treats somehow felt like a huge improvement and pride filled Salami's entire chest.
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[Salami Rank Up | Bribery by AveryFish (Literature)](
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