Advand Medical Training

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Melody stood outside the large lab that belonged to the famous professor, her silver-gray eyes nervously looked over to her two pokemon that had accompanied her. Not that she minded Opal or Grimm following her there, but she did let out a nervous breath, trying to contain herself. “Well here we go, let’s hope that we do good this time, right?” She nervously grinned towards her pokemon. Opal’s buzzing was a sure sign that she had agreed and was ready to go into the lab, while Grimm seemed to grumble and huff, he obviously wasn’t happy but he wouldn’t leave Melody to venture into a place neither of them have ever been before.


A deep breath was drawn in and she finally walked through the sliding glass doors, her hands shook a little and so she grasped the backpack strap she had slung over her shoulder to try and steady her nerves. These were lessons that were given out to those that wanted to practice, it seemed Blackthorn wanted to make sure the people that were willing to learn could heal themselves and their pokemon. Once she stepped into the lab, she walked toward a desk so she could be directed on where she needed to go. The receptionist was quite helpful and even told her there was no need to be nervous. With a quick thanks to her, Melody went springing off in the direction.


She didn’t want to be late, and as she was sprinting she pulled her hair into a long ponytail to tie it away from her face and be out of the way, the armband that had the mega stone on it was stretchy enough to work as a make-shift scrunchie. When she finally approached the large doors that would lead to Blackthorn’s lab, she raised her hand to nervously knock on the doors and waited. She swallowed a bit when Opal nuzzled her to try and help reassure her, Grimm letting out an impatient bark as if to also get the Professor’s attention. Eventually the doors opened and Melody nervously walked into the room, she saw what looked like three potion bottles she had never seen before, and she approached them.


She picked up to read the label on it, “Full Restore?” She questioned, wondering what it even did and just how powerful it was. That was when she heard movement and caused Grimm to growl threateningly, while Opal tilted her body to the side, and Melody whipped around, pressing against the desk of the laboratory. Standing in front of her was a rather tall man, he looked to be about middle-aged, and she offered a nervous smile, quickly trying to set the bottle down and in turn hitting the other two, nearly making a fumbling mess. She managed to correct all three bottles and whipped back toward him.


“Melody, Correct?” He inquired, his voice holding a mature tone, a bit deep as well, but his calm green eyes looked her over to see if she had hurt herself with her franticness. “No reason to be as frantic, the more jittery you are, the harder it will be to teach you.” 


Melody was quick to nod in return, though she rubbed her elbow nervously. “I-I’m sorry Professor, I haven't seen these potion bottles before, I-”


“Got curious, any researcher or professor would say the same thing. Luckily those bottles are empty and are the ones you will be using. We’re going to go over the ingredients that's needed to craft these potions. Are you up for that Melody?” 


Melody was quick to nod, her smile widening. She had an opportunity to work with the famous professor Blackthorn, of course she would be up for crafting the potions with his help. “Just tell me what I need to do and where everything is, I’ll get right to it!”


Blackthorn was sure to oversee the preparations she was doing, watching how she meshed up the herbs together in a mortar and pestle as well as how she combined them together. He helped her when her hands seemed to be a bit shaky, and watched as her pokemon tried to help and lighten her workload. There wasn’t much to making the potions, but she needed to be confident in herself and not as nervous. She would ask him about the potions and what they did, wondering how these ingredients perfected them or made them better than the normal potions and antidotes that were sold by the pokecenters. There was a lot more work involved in crafting these items and it was taking her longer than she would have liked to admit to making them.


It took about forty-five minutes if not longer for each potion bottle and they were soon filled to the top of it. Blackthorn looked each one over, his fingers spread over his chin and gripping it, rubbing down along the bears at times as he thought. His face was expressionless, his eyes stoic. Though after some grueling long minutes,, he finally cracked a smile on his old face. He patted her pokemon first, seeming to offer them a small treat each before looking at her completely. This way he could have her full attention without her being distracted.


“Great work Melody,” he nodded, motioning to the three bottles. “I will be keeping these at the lab for now and you will gain the recipe on how to make them via your TD. I do thank you for the help that you’ve been and taking the lesson to heart. It is very important to make sure your pokemon partners are healed and well-taken care of. This will help other trainers as well and be sure to let other trainers you pass know!” 


Melody, still awestruck, didn't want to leave, but she got the nonexistent hint and she booked quickly, her smile wide and happy. “O-of course, Professor, anytime. If you ever need help with another one, call on me. It's a dream of mine to work at a place like this or do freelance work as a researcher.” 


She had turned to leave the lab with Grimm and Opal at her sides, making sure the two pokemon were behaving since she didn’t want to linger too much or annoy him. She hummed happily, bringing up her TD to look over the new crafting recipes that had just been sent to her by the good professor.

Word Count: 1,071

Advand Medical Training
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In Miscellaneous ・ By Umbra-Moon
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Submitted By Umbra-MoonLocation: Grovehart
Submitted: 1 year and 6 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 6 months ago

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