Rubble Ruins

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Rubble. Everywhere. As far as the Eye could see.

And in between Pokemon and Trainers trying their best to clear the destruction.

One of them being Adya who had brought along Spätzle and Damo as they could likely be the most useful in clearing the debris. Spätzle could slither even into the tightest cracks and Damo could help carry away the stones ( even if he wasn’t the strongest, every little bit would help ).

The three of them were currently working on what must have once been a little hut. Splittered wood and cracked concrete piled up everywhere. Inbetween old cutlery and pottery and other items that were evidence that until before the Quakes claimed this residence, someone must have actually considered this tiny hut their humble home…
Damo had started collecting the materials and sorting them into piles. Wood, Rocks, other Materials. Salvageable or not. So that Anya could load them into a wheelbarrow she had brought with her and drive them off to the trucks that had been organized. She suspected that these trucks were likely paid for by Ethos. It seemed like sth her group would love to finance, but as usual, Ethos liked to remain unknown in their efforts.

She herself had heard about this mission from the Ethos blackboard and had decided to show up here on her week off. 

Damo had just completed another small pile of broken planks and anya bent down to pick them up. One after the other she loaded them into her wheelbarrow and when it was full enough she grabbed hold of the wooden handles and started her way.
Along a small treadpath outside of the rubble and onto a small country road through the hot deserts and sandfields of the Deadlands. A wonder anyone had even made their home here…

As she came closer and closer to the truck, the calls and shouts of other Trainers and Pokemon became louder and louder. And as she reached said truck, she was surrounded by other Trainers or Civilians who had joined the efforts.
She parked her wheelbarrow just behind the truck and quickly another trainer scurried over to her. He gave her a quick smile and while she grabbed the handles, he grabbed the bar around the wheel and together they lifted the wheelbarrow up onto the truck to dump it’s contents. Anya could hear the familiar sounds of the wood hitting other wood and some of it splintering even further.
She thanked the other trainer with a polite nod after they set down the wheelbarrow again and continued back towards her Pokemon again.
Once she came close enough to them again, she could hear Spätzle’s annoyed growling.

Her pace quickened a little as slight worry came upon her, but when she saw what had caused her annoyance it calmed down just as quickly as it had appeared.
Quickly drying on her body was a bunch of mud. Anya could only guess that it was Damo’s fault this place had gotten so muddy. Simply moving around the area must have covered Spätzle in it, especially with her short legs and long body.
It spoke volumes to just how much trouble the little raptor like pokemon caused on a day to day basis…
Meanwhile Damo stared up at Anya with big, round pupils, resembling a “puppy look” he would always give her when he knew he was being a nuisance again. Sure he couldn’t do anything about his watery hair, but it still seemed to always make him feel guilty to inconvenience others. Especially if it affected Anya.

“It’s fine Damo. Spätzle will just go clean up somewhere else and then you both won’t be able to get into each others way.” Anya smiled at her two Pokemon.
It seemed to cheer Damo up a bit and Spätzle just grumbled, but followed Anya’s suggestion. With a quick turn the little dragon went and buried herself in the rubble at the other corner of the Hut.
“Alright. Have you finished any more piles for me already, Damo?” she turned to her little boy, who excitedly ran towards a small pile of concrete blocks and picked one up to help Anya with loading up.
Anya herself grabbed a larger amount and again started the process of filling her wheelbarrow back up. One load after the other it slowly gained weight again and Damo’s little concrete pile shrunk in size quickly.

When the pile had disappeared completely she gave Damo a small pat on the head and, after shaking the water off her hand a bit, grabbed hold of the wheelbarrow again to head towards the road again. As she went past Spätzle, who had surfaced again for a quick moment, she gave her a pat on her little head too and Spätzle’s bodyheat immediately dried her hand again. She gave her little dragon a small smile before Spätzle dug herself back into the ruins and Anya headed on her way to the truck.

She decided that they’d clear the rubble for another hour or two and then head home. Spätzle and Damo had already worked very hard for the day ~

Rubble Ruins
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In Miscellaneous ・ By Harowaja

Lord I have written more in the past days than in many months...


Submitted By HarowajaLocation: The Deadlands
Submitted: 1 year and 6 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 6 months ago

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