Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

In Rank-Up ・ By konekoangel
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Oatmeal raisin cookies. Simple, right? Wrong. Oh so wrong. First, there was the fact Brie couldn’t find raisins anywhere. How the hell were all the shops out of raisins of all things? Finally, she found some and bought what was left on the shelf for her pantry. She also found a couple of other things she’d been desperately looking for, so there was that at least. For her troubles, the Sylveon fused shop owner purchased some store bought oatmeal cookies, with the thought of comparing her attempt with the store’s.

Then her mixer broke, and it took her time to figure out what had happened - just a bit of flour dust got stuck somewhere it really shouldn’t have been and clogged up the mechanics. How did it even get in there in the first place? Mercifully, she could get it fixed easily enough, taking some paper towels and wetting them, before cleaning the gears and parts she could without taking it apart. A test flick of the power button, and it roared back to life. Finally.

This venture was proving troublesome, and so soon into the start of it, too. She tossed the paper towels away and went back to the recipe on her technical display. Butter. Cinnamon. Vanilla extract. Salt. In her head, she checked off each ingredient, blinking at the molasses listed as the ‘secret’ ingredient. That’d be really yummy. OK, she had everything. Finally.

Brie set the oven to what the recipe called for and started mixing the ingredients together. Her adrenaline spiked as she tried pulling her mixing bowl down and it almost dropped on her head. Sweet Arceus that was close. She stood there, holding the ceramic bowl in the air, firmly in her grip, panting with fright. What was with her luck today? 

Slowly, she set the bowl down, lightly scooting it back away from the edge of the counter so it didn’t get any bright ideas about continuing to the floor like it apparently wanted to. Eyeing it suspiciously, she turned to the bag of flour, just in time for Lettuce to knock it over. She yelped, diving to catch the bag without thinking about it. The woman’s shoulder clipped the counter as she did, cradling the heavy but unopened bag. She winced as her shoulder flared in pain and she narrowed her eyes up at the little larval Pokemon looking over the counter down at her as if asking what she was doing on the floor.

“You little…” She grunted as she pushed herself back to her feet, holding the bag of flour close. She stopped herself from finishing that sentence, carefully putting the bag back on the counter and opening it. Poof! The woman stopped, blinked, and coughed as the flour dust covered her face and settled on the Sneevee still on the counter next to her. The Pokemon sneezed after a moment, and the two just stared at each other. “Bless you.”

She was glad she had her apron on, using the bottom edge to wipe off her and Lettuce’s faces of the dust. “There. All better.”

The Pokemon wiggled and cooed, tail vibrating happily. Brie set out a bowl of raisins for the fusion, before turning back to the recipe to double-check what she needed. OK…

After the flour exploded in her face, things went a little smoother (although she did nearly drop the baking sheet), and soon, the cookies were in the oven, and Lettuce was getting pets and ear rubs for her troubles. While they baked, she alternated between giving the Pokemon attention and cleaning up the mess she’d made - flour was everywhere somehow, and so it took some cleaning to get it all done. Her timer went off, and she had to shoo Lettuce out of the way of the cooling rack before she set the hot tray of freshly baked cookies down.

Once cooled, she gave each of her Pokemon one - including Lettuce - of the warm cookies, and they all took a bite. Brie’s eyes lit up as she looked at the cookie in her hand. This was so worth all the trouble she’d had. So, so worth it.

Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
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In Rank-Up ・ By konekoangel

In which Brie learns how to make oatmeal raisin cookies and there are complications.

Submitted By konekoangel for Level UP
Submitted: 1 year and 5 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 5 months ago

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